Hello to all. Some really great information on this site, and my thanks go out to those of you who contributed your experience to benefit growers everywhere.
I'm almost certainly asking something that has already been answered, but if people didn't do this then the site would only have a 1/4 the post....
I've been growing for a while now, inside and out, but this is my first LED grow. How high should the lights be from my seedlings? I have a progrow 260 and a 50w plasma. The girls are just popping up, up to about 3 days old.
I'm almost certainly asking something that has already been answered, but if people didn't do this then the site would only have a 1/4 the post....
I've been growing for a while now, inside and out, but this is my first LED grow. How high should the lights be from my seedlings? I have a progrow 260 and a 50w plasma. The girls are just popping up, up to about 3 days old.