LED DIY noob build for 2x2x

Hi ya'll found out about this place after reseraching LED setups and watching growmau5 videos about building your own lights. From what I understand, I would need 4x cxb3590 COB's with a 1400 ma driver . However I'm not quite sure what to use as a mounting base for the COB's if im interested in using active cooling for each COB's.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
You're gonna wanna use boards or strips at this point. COBs while still great and very efficient, cost more upfront to heatsink and don't give nearly the amount of spread as the strips and boards do.
When gromau5 was active tge cree cobs was the best option, nowadays midpower leds (strips or qbs ) seems to be the most efficient option.

If you have limited height you should think of stretch prevention aswell
Wow thanks for the replies guys, super helpful . Are there any posts/ videos you would recommend to read on these lights strips?
I knew what to look for after researching Cobs but had no idea the info was out of date.
Also, where would you recommend to buy these strips and the boards to mount them to?
That looks amazing. Very sturdy construction. These tiny qbs really push out 200w and serve you from veg to flower?

Yo in the past I had a slightly larger space but also more powerful lamps. 200w in this space (5sq ft) is 40w per sq ft. With about 29w per sq ft of leds (2x QB288 v2) in my last tent (3x3) I had more dank bud than I knew what to do with and so I have no doubt at all that with this setup I will be plenty satisfied. As for seed to flower, the lamp is full spectrum; 3500k has a fair amount of blue and so far the reds are not causing any elongation. Actually the node spacing is pretty spot on what I wanted so yeah it's perfect so far.
I'm playing catch up with the led technology I hadn't grown for at least 10 years but grew for 20+ before the plant and it's needs are the same but the lights have. I've always used mh/hps wish exelent results so when I got back in it and heard all the hype on leds I dove in head first without checking the water/lol now I've got 500 bucks wort of lights that look like they should be on a kids toy not in a grow room......FUCK! Anyway any help you can give to push me in the right direction will be appreciated.thanks
I'm playing catch up with the led technology I hadn't grown for at least 10 years but grew for 20+ before the plant and it's needs are the same but the lights have. I've always used mh/hps wish exelent results so when I got back in it and heard all the hype on leds I dove in head first without checking the water/lol now I've got 500 bucks wort of lights that look like they should be on a kids toy not in a grow room......FUCK! Anyway any help you can give to push me in the right direction will be appreciated.thanks
First I'd like to see these lights haha. No offense. And as far as getting you set up with the RIGHT LEDs, that won't be too hard like I said, Chinese kits are legit diodes at this point, low bin most likely, but you're getting LM301B Samsungs at least. What size is your space you need to cover exactly?
Yo in the past I had a slightly larger space but also more powerful lamps. 200w in this space (5sq ft) is 40w per sq ft. With about 29w per sq ft of leds (2x QB288 v2) in my last tent (3x3) I had more dank bud than I knew what to do with and so I have no doubt at all that with this setup I will be plenty satisfied. As for seed to flower, the lamp is full spectrum; 3500k has a fair amount of blue and so far the reds are not causing any elongation. Actually the node spacing is pretty spot on what I wanted so yeah it's perfect so far.
I wanna see a Vesta build man. Use them next if you get the itch? Haha
You know I just started growing weed again after a long break and only started again as a hobby while I went through chemotherapy and radiation for throat cancer I know(boo hoo)but I'm aĺittle behind when it comes to leds like last place so if you can help me out thanks if not hey it's been nice chatting
I I've been doing a little digging into quantum boards and found this

Would this be an overkill for my 2×2×5.5 grow tent?
Yes, thats a bit of overkill, normally they would rec 1 board at 120ish watts for a 2x2 but with around 18" hanging height.

Google ledgardener strip build for a few template builds if you like. Strip builds are preferable when you have limited headroom.
Following Airwalker and Major Blazer's advice that strips may suit my needs better, I found this on build on ledgardener for a 2x2:

4x Samsung LT-F284B 1′ Strips ($37) Note- these strips may be hard to find in small quantities.
1x Mean Well HLG-120H-C1400B Driver ($45)
1x 100K Ohm Potentiometer for Dimming ($7)
1x Resistor for Potentiometer ($6) Note- resistor is only required if your potentiometer measures less than its rated resistance. Use a resistor in series to bring the pot up to its rated resistance.
~4 Feet of 2″ Heat Sink ($16) Note – this length is an estimate only… make sure to measure your space so your heat sinks are cut short enough that they’ll fit.
~8 Feet of 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 1/8″ thick Angle Aluminum this is an estimate only… make sure to measure your space to properly size your frame.
1x Roll of Thermal Tape, 30mm x 25m ($16)
1x LLT L20 Waterproof Power Connector for Driver AC Connection ($10)
18 gauge hookup wire cut to whatever length you need ($10)
4x 5-Conductor Wagos ($3)
1x 6-Pack of Ratcheting Hangers ($19)
Total Price Estimate (USD) = $220 + Shipping

Most of the links he provided work, yet I'm having trouble finding the Samsung LT-F284B 1′ Strips for sale in low quantities. Also not sure according to his build if he meant to use 1 sheet of aluminum onto which all the strips are glued to, or indivudual strips for each of the 4 QBs . he provides a wiring diagram, but not one that shows how to mount everything together in order to tell how the finished lights are supposed to look. So i'm a little apprehensive without detailed instructions. this is my first time attempting something like this
What do you think guys?
Jesus man, just skip that Shit and grab a QB kit....

Don't forget to use RIU code for 10% off and free shipping for about $110 total and it's a done deal.

You're Welcome :-D