LED for Starting and vegging


Active Member
Hi everyone,
Wanted to find out if anyone can make suggestions / answer a sort of noob question (Being that I am the noob part not the lights)
So I wanted to ask does anyone use strictly LED grow lights to start seeds and veg with same light? The reason I ask is I purchased a T5 to start seeds in seed starter trays with tall dome then I purchased a LED grow light with cable hanger etc and went hey WTF am I wasting my time with T5??? Cant I just use the LED and toggle the light output as they show to VEG only? If so how far away do I place the light fixture away from top of Dome? When do I move it / raise it? Any advice is greatly appreciated., Here is the LED light I am using for veg: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07VFNQ6YN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
That blurple should be fine spectrum wise. Personally I would veg with whatever has the lowest pull at the plug. When my last veg lamp died I replaced it with a cheap "120w QB"(actually pulls 100w from plug) from growstar or something like that. They offered to give it to me free if I document the grow but the lamp was only like $70 or something. So I'm vegging just fine in a 2x3 with only 100w cheap ass QB that replaced an old $500+ "made in america" panel from 2014 or something lol
That blurple should be fine spectrum wise. Personally I would veg with whatever has the lowest pull at the plug. When my last veg lamp died I replaced it with a cheap "120w QB"(actually pulls 100w from plug) from growstar or something like that. They offered to give it to me free if I document the grow but the lamp was only like $70 or something. So I'm vegging just fine in a 2x3 with only 100w cheap ass QB that replaced an old $500+ "made in america" panel from 2014 or something lol

In that case the T5 Full grow bulb one will be my starter, just not sure when to switch to LED with Grow Blurple color or W/e LOL
In that case the T5 Full grow bulb one will be my starter, just not sure when to switch to LED with Grow Blurple color or W/e LOL
The spectrum wont change the plants enough for you to notice. Switching them when you need more light is all i can say. You can use them right now if you want but its way too much light for seedlings.
The spectrum wont change the plants enough for you to notice. Switching them when you need more light is all i can say. You can use them right now if you want but its way too much light for seedlings.

Thank you, I will do that.
Hi everyone,
Wanted to find out if anyone can make suggestions / answer a sort of noob question (Being that I am the noob part not the lights)
So I wanted to ask does anyone use strictly LED grow lights to start seeds and veg with same light? The reason I ask is I purchased a T5 to start seeds in seed starter trays with tall dome then I purchased a LED grow light with cable hanger etc and went hey WTF am I wasting my time with T5??? Cant I just use the LED and toggle the light output as they show to VEG only? If so how far away do I place the light fixture away from top of Dome? When do I move it / raise it? Any advice is greatly appreciated., Here is the LED light I am using for veg: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07VFNQ6YN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
What size T5 do you have?