LED glow after switched off.

Im a rookie grower. I have a new LED light. I switched it off last night and returned to turn it on this morning and noticed that there was a slight glow all night and my plant didn’t get complete dark last night. Will this cause my plant to suffer? My other LEDs didn’t do this. My timer failed so I have had to manually turn the Light off and on. I’m glad my timer failed. I wouldn’t have noticed.
Well, I can say this... my timber led doesn't glow when powered down. Ime they don't do that but I'm not sure what brand yours is. Maybe yours does that.
Use a mechanical timer, some cheap digi ones allow a trickle to pass
Good digital timers are fine too.
There still a very low ac current into the led driver. Make sure you dont have anything on the same connections or check/change your timer. Same thing happens with some led bulbs in my flat.
I second this. Where in the world are you? It makes a difference which electrical grid you're on. In NA it's important to remember that all circuits share a neutral. It's most likely your timer. Does it do this if you physically unplug the light? Do you have a Good multimeter?
I was asking OP where he was. Your flat having trickle to the lighting means you have a bad switch somewhere. Are they on a dimmer? I have old dimmers in my kitchen that don't shut all the way off.
No dimmer. I just think they did the wiring a bit shit, maybe messed up hot with neutral in the switch.
Everyone has a bad day at work, including electricians.
Some have more bad days than others.

On the glowing leds, it could be the timer leaking current, this can happen with ones that have an electronic switch inside. There was a question a couple moths ago with the same problem, think the answer was the house wiring but I can't recall exactly.