LED Grow Box


Active Member
I'm trying to construct a grow box that's going to be completely undetectable my family. My room is in the basement, and there's a 10x5 closet (i know, awkward) way in the back that no one would notice. I was thinking about using a 5x3 growbox that a partner was using for a while with his CFL set up and put it in the closet. This partner recently made a shift to a 400w hps, and the increase in growth has convinced me to start my own project, but with a 90 w LED ufo with the r/b spectrum of light. I'm not worried about heat or air circulation; that's easy; i'm worried about being able to keep the smell from being noticed as soon as you walk down the basement steps -_-. Would it be wise to use a pipe with a carbon filter over my exhaust fan? And if so, would this help with smell DRAMATICALLY or am I going to have to put some effing glade products in the same room? i'm going to line the box with Milar, considering it's only painted white and i want to maximize the light, obv, considering I'm only going to be able to fit 2-3 skinny Sativa's at a time in this. Any help would be appreciated. this is my first time growing by myself, but I've been watching others do it for over a year now.


Well-Known Member
I use ONA to take care of my odor control, however I'm not growing AK-47 or Skunk either. With ONA I just crack the jar top open and let it do it's thing. In fact, the entire house smells fresh now. You can no longer smell plant the second you walk in the door. When the crystals start to dry, you simply re-constitute with ONA liquid. I got mine on Amazon, shipped was about $28 for one quarts liquid and gel. If you can't vent outside, this may be a solution to consider.



Well-Known Member
Carbon filter should be good, doesn't hurt to have a second one though. If you have a dryer in your basement, you could always have the exhaust blow into dryer sheets. Smells great :)