Led grow light any low cost suggestions ?

I've read up on led's and im thinking of taking the plunge
to incorporate one in my grow cabinet. I'm not trying to
break the bank are there any low cost led's out there that
produce great results ? Also feel free to leave your option
on the subject. Thanks for readingx:weed:


Well-Known Member
Look into LED grow spotlights. Advanced LED, the company I bought my led panel from (amazing light by the way) has spotlights that fit into just about any fixture and come in different spectrums so you can target specificly for veg or flower. There's also a full cycle model that you can supplement your cabinent with throughout entire grow. Id recommend the red or far reds to help flower/bud production. They run about 80 a peice but your cabinent will absolutely benefit from the extra light. But note, these are supplemental lights only, if you are looking for something a little more powerful or to be responsible for more light output, perhaps consider a ufo model which run cheaper than the panels