LED Panel Upggrade UV / FarRed / HyperRed / DeepBlue


Hey guys

i've build myself a Panel with 15x F562B's und 15x H282D.(in3000K)
driver: HLG-320H-C700B und HLG-120H-C350B. it has + - 400W.

I have a few questions about FarRed HyperDer DeepBLue and UV.
I want to add these or some of them. Sure i want to add FarRed and UV. FarRed i want to have 10% of my main W. So about 40W. But ho much UV do i have to add?
Do you use FarRed just for sleep or do you use it all time? (same for UV)

Same questions i have for DeepBlue and HyperRed.How many % do i have to get?
Do you use deepBlue just for veg and HyperRed for flower? Or use both all time?

I would like to get strips for this. but it not a must have.
Can you suggest me some led?
I'm not sure but I don't know if wattage is a close approximation of PPFD since the LEDs operate quite differently. E.g. far red has much deeper penetration than other colors & don't require as much current. Search "buddies" in the forum. An Australian light company makes LED strings that look promising.

I plan to use far red all of the time during veg but I know that elongates the stem. I understand 15 minutes before & after the night cycle starts flower initiation so the far red should be on a different timer & driver I would think.