led v. hps


Well-Known Member
If your still thinking of employing someone,,,,get them to tell you what you want to know,, because you'll get lots of info on hear, but when it comes to employing someone and showing them your space , thell tell you something different which will be better and more practical for your space?


Not to sound like an ass. But if I don't have some info how am I supposed to know whether or not someone else knows what they are talking about. Would you put $250000.00 into something you don't know as much as possible about.


Well-Known Member
Not to sound like an ass. But if I don't have some info how am I supposed to know whether or not someone else knows what they are talking about. Would you put $250000.00 into something you don't know as much as possible about.
true ...so what info have you gathered so far ?


Active Member
Read, and or find someone you really trust and well trust someone.....otherwise you can always start small and experiment. Get an LEd and an HPS , a bag of soil and some coco.....maybe a waterfarm or some other off the shelf item and compare for yourself. You are diving into a world with many variables and well opinions are like assholes....


I like the idea of led's for the money savings, but I don't know if the money saved is going to be lost in product, I'm not one to jump over dollars to get dimes


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of led's for the money savings, but I don't know if the money saved is going to be lost in product, I'm not one to jump over dollars to get dimes
have you any idea how much your electric bill will be for your hps lights?


I'm looking at the mars2 they have put out one that is supposed to put out an equivalent to 1600w. Not to sure if I believe that or not. also I've read that tone buds put out by led's are tighter.


According to my electrician using 220 will cut cost by at least 25% making cost about $40 a month per light


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at the mars2 they have put out one that is supposed to put out an equivalent to 1600w. Not to sure if I believe that or not. also I've read that tone buds put out by led's are tighter.
check your pm. Iv left you a hydroponics commercial advice link for you, i don't think they do weed , but thell give you all the advice you need when they look at your space,


I am definitely seeing a lot of that... the hard thing is theres alot of pressure you know what I mean and so much to learn I would just hate to lose to much while learning but I guess that's what the hired more experienced help will come in ....im just trying to minimize the gamble of it all as I'm learning id prefer the first harvest not to be a disastrous learning lesson


Active Member
Starting small is good advice for anything you plan on making a business. If you invest a bunch of money into something you don`t understand you are raising the risk.
As a welder first and a glass blower second....having tried to run businesses doing both I know now that you should be adept at what you do before trying to make a business out of it. Otherwise once again you need to hire someone that can fill that role and even then you are still gambling. If you really want to to make a business you need to learn it yourself and learning takes experience.


Well-Known Member
id prefer the first harvest not to be a disastrous learning lesson
your first harvest wont be a disaster, if someone else grows it for you,, not meaning to sound funny ,,,,,,,why don't you go into a hydroponics grow shop and ask anyone if thell come to look at your space and help set it up, and offer them a bit of money,,,? For there time

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
You guys forgot one variable: capital expenditure To get a LED that puts out less heat and more light than HPS you have to spend a lot more money. You can get a bare bones 1000W hps for $150! Unless you have a special requirements like a stealth cab, you're off the grid, or you want the best buds regardless of price then go with HPS because it is still king for bang/buck.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing what is the real deal with led v. H's?
If you're asking this question, you need to hire a master grower / competent consultant or better to just dump your startup capital through the paper shredder and save yourself some headaches.