LEDs for Home lighting

Hey guys.

I've not worked with lighting for a long while.
Are Samsung lm561c still the most efficient LEDs on the market?

Where is the cheapest place to source them?
I heard chatter about Mufue. Are his diodes still legit? Were they ever? (Hope I'm not opening a can of worms)

Is there a second and third best LED in terms of efficiency?
I'm thinking if I can send a small current down them I can max out l/w
I only need ~250 lumens but I need lots of small runs of them.

I'm going to use spare LEDs to grow strawberries and mint (lol)

Thanks in advance

Hey guys.

I've not worked with lighting for a long while.
Are Samsung lm561c still the most efficient LEDs on the market?

Where is the cheapest place to source them?
I heard chatter about Mufue. Are his diodes still legit? Were they ever? (Hope I'm not opening a can of worms)

Is there a second and third best LED in terms of efficiency?
I'm thinking if I can send a small current down them I can max out l/w
I only need ~250 lumens but I need lots of small runs of them.

I'm going to use spare LEDs to grow strawberries and mint (lol)

Thanks in advance

You're only going to find strips from DigiKey realistically now that NFHiggs website is probably no longer being tended to. God I'm so sad about losing him. Omegalight.net was such a huge outlet for so many people to score sweet lights for pennies.
Thanks for the prompt reply buddy.
Are there any reputable Chinese sellers that sell what members have deemed to be authentic strips?

Thanks again

Cheers buddy

Those strips are too bright.
I was keen on a 25m roll off alibaba

They can be cut into segments with 8 led's each which would roughly give 304 lumens - perfect for my application.

Has anybody reported any bad experiences with the likes of mufue or meijiu?

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