Leelanau- Pretty Dry?


Well-Known Member
Getting ready for the move. I suppose this place is tumbleweeds... and I don't mean that in a good way...


Well-Known Member
Northern MI is full of great people I've found. Once you get around the tourists. Just as you say, N2. And lovely. Glad the Clan is there. I like it even more now.


Well-Known Member
Awesome up that way. Old stomping grounds...sorta...stay away from the sands casino ;) Hope to meet you up at the Resort coming up...dig all your soil posts.


Well-Known Member
I'm not near the water and there's a reason it sold cheap... but I have a plan, so it worked out.

Limosnero- you should get that avatar on a shirt. I love little stone Buddhas! That way I'll recognize you

Stowe- once again you beat me by 30 seconds. Party next year. Done by then


New Member
Leelanau is a beautiful place with a ideal micro climate for farming , I think you ll enjoy the area once you settle in .. A mass of tourism waves will be the biggest drought reason there lol .. Enjoy the new home and land as it is rich in history . In fact our oral traditions say that it was originally Ottawa Indian land until a Ottawa warrior killed an Ojibwa brother fishing in the waters there . There families along with the Ogemaw ( leaders ) held a council meeting and under a act of peace the Ojibwa were welcomed to the land to reside amongst the band already present there .. Hence the town of Peshabe and the Grand Traverse Bay Ottawa/Chippewa tribe


Well-Known Member
Looks like a cool spot. I will be looking for land in the next few years up north. Me and some friends plan on getting 20-30 acres and starting a permaculture farm. Let me know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Well Nick! shit the bed Fred, man! That is a very cool thing!! You must share more if / when it's a good time. Very intrigued.


Well-Known Member
LOL! You make my nite with these posts!

I sure like it quiet (North)

Looking forward to some raised beds. Veggies, fruits. Chickens. Bees