Left the light on


Well-Known Member
Last night I left a 75 Watt light on pointing straight up away from the girls ,My lights usually go off at 7:pm and on again at 7:am.
Leaving the light on 1 time is this going to fuck up my flowering schedule.??I'm on day 20 of 12/12 and have buds the size of grapes..


Weed Modifier
hopefully they will be ok...one time may/may not cause problems, depends on strain/genetics...but just make sure you DON'T do it again....if you can visually check,each day, to make sure lights are off at specific time. Good Luck hope you have True females and you will be fine :leaf:

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
This should not be a problem. Good advice GET TIMERS! Just make sure this doesn't happen again as you will end up with issues.


Global Moderator
Staff member
do you not have timers? if you dont i would get some they are only a few bucks at walmart.
I'm pulling 1200 watts through my timer so springing for a good one through HTG was really the only option.

Leave all lights off for 24 hours,,,,
So there wont be any confusion
This will only compound the confusion. Get them back on their schedule with no further disruptions.
You'll be fine. Alot of people freak out over shit like this and make it seem like a big deal. just continue ur cycle as you have been and the plant will be fine.