Legal Bud? HeLp Me OuT FoLk!!

Bleezy G

Active Member
Wa?t up ya'll,,,I just moved from Mary Jane Heaven Illinois to No Bud Kentucky. I brought 4 Zips with me n Im just about out, I tried buyin from locals here but so far Ive been riped off of $80,,,,I've been hearin bout Legal bud for a while but all I wanna kno is,,,Is It Worth My Time N Money? Will it get me High? If so Whats the best site to get it from? Help a fellow smoker out ya'll!! :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
if you mean the "International Oddities" stuff don't buy. its a total waste of time and money

haha last year some guys found me in the freaking mall asking me for bud saying they were from kentucky

Bleezy G

Active Member
Never heard of International Oddities, Fuck Idk looks real tempting n I honestly dont kno ne1 whos ever tried legal bud n Im runnin outta smoke....LoL Dude Kentuckys bogus, From what Ive seen so far I would NeVeR trust ne1 who say their from KY, I'm tryin like hell to get back to Illinois where ppl are real


if you must buy a "legal smoke" go with the spice gold... it actually has an effect akin to getting stoned... its like all of the body buzz, without the head high.. freakin expensive though


Active Member
Well there is one way how to get legally smoked. Spice is very sedative but if you try Smoke from organic works uhuuu...
Check it here Smoke - herbal mix
Effect - trippy, high, creative and is Worth the money (you had never this feeling)