legal buds ... whats the deal?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ordered the legal buds from this site? Does it work? It seems to good to be true!!??


Well-Known Member
Don't waste your money. If it really worked it would be in the same state as marijuana; illegal. And not to mention it tastes awful.


Active Member
its worse than smoking tobacco IMO...

We hit some out of a bong at my buddies frat and all it did was taste like shit...:/


Well-Known Member
If it was real we would all do it and marijuana would be a long forgot herb. Come on its a tradition for a reason


Active Member
It would just be nice to smoke something cheaper and legal haha.
But Mary Jane will always have the #1 spot in my heart


Well-Known Member
No problem the pleasure is mine; I'd rather see someone spend some money to grow good bud than to waste money on legal herb. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
salvia is legal and that shit will fuck u up... ive had some of the strongest hallucinations of my life on salvia... and yea lady n green is sexy as shit


Well-Known Member
I second both your responses thecloset. salvia Is a very good trip depending on the strain you get you can have some fun legally lol. And lady n green is gorgeous wanna hit my 4 foot bong?