I really dont understand sometimes the Constitution of usa. It sed that u can be discriminated for sex, religion, sexual orientation ,color of skin but they violate our constitutional rights i smoke weed for ma religion im a rastafarian. And they just should respect that!!!!
America took 1984 by George Orwell, and the movie Wall Street not as the cautionary tales they were meant to be, but as templates to apply to life.
We now have a paranoid, fascist enforcement state nervously watching a country that's legalized so many forms of corruption it can't keep them all straight.
Confused yet? If you're not, you're missing something. Pull a noodle out of this mess and more insanity comes flying out at you; like, why a large swath of voters (non rich conservatives) would support a party that's so obviously against their economic best interests?
This country is JACKED, because it no longer does what it tells the world and its own citizenry it does; we are not a democracy, we don't promote justice in the world, we don't provide opportunity for our people, we aren't prospering, we are stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich... and that's just off the top of my head.
Of course it's not sustainable! The question is not whether a crash will happen, it's only a matter of when and how bad!
Scared yet? You should be; America's defense budget is bigger than the next dozen largest budgets in the world... COMBINED. Friends and foes alike.
Yet we pay more attention to Brittney Spears than police brutality. Oh no- instead, we've been spending the last decade larding police departments across the country with military hardware!
Does this sound like any way to encourage the official respect of private civil rights? LOL