Legal psychedellic RC advice


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to get into supplying legal RCs for quite some time, mainly something that makes you trip balls, maybe something along the lines of methodrone cross with a trip (methodrone is illegal here now). Can anyone reccommend some? I have no chemistry exparience so looking through alot of the information I find is hard for me to decipher, and the only suppliers Ive found for various RCs are based in china selling bulk 25kg barrels of stuff. I know that once I get into it, it will become easier to find and supply various chems. Anyone fancy mentoring me haha?

Anyway any advice would be great thanks

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
New Zealand Huh ?
The land of the Zorb ball .... wicked stuff ...that IS ...


Can YOU help me in locating someone who is wholesaling them ... locally ?
I will require 200 for a supper cheep price ....
I need to have the PVC a bit thicker as I am going to be filling them up with Helium ....
Can YOU help me Put this together ?


So YOU know nothing about Chemistry and Just want to push an Imaginary and what would be a 'legal' RC ... to people who want to trip balls .... huh ?
People with this approach to RC business ... kill others ... and in general make terrible 'drug dealers'
Do YOU ingest RC chemicals Yourself ?
How are your bonsai mums doing ?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
While i do agree with is a great resource for RCs and other chemicals...LINK.
DOG ... I support YOUR message .... and the link PROVIDED,
As it is the best Starting POINT of ALL.
Friends, thank YOU for kind words .... BUT in reality I would hate to 'BLOW your MINDS'
As I enjoy your company and am IN need OF your HEADS ...
OUR Digital Relationships are fantastic ... it is not about the internet ...
IT is about using this technology to connect to ONE Universal consciousness !

I would love to BLOW your MINDS with some High Grade BLOW .... BOOM !
OH, wait ... that is illegal ...ain't IT ?

Then I must be joking in the most serious way !



Active Member
I meant that as a compliment. You have a distinct style to your posts.... I wouldnt be surprised if you were a novelist, or something like that!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I meant that as a compliment. You have a distinct style to your posts.... I wouldnt be surprised if you were a novelist, or something like that!
Well thank YOU very much SIR ... that is quite a compliment ...I hope YOU are not just flattering !
We have much more Hypnotic word smiths amongst OUR ranks at RIU ...
I have heard CryptKeeper had some writing aspirations ...
As for ME ... English is not my native tongue !
I welcome YOUr Kind words with a smile tho ...

You should see some of my programming ... it turns out spectacular at times !



Active Member
Crypt is very well spoken, Ndanja too. I'm sure I'm missing some others...

Back on topic... to the OP... suppose you were to obtain a large amount of research chemicals and you were to sell them. If you are selling them to people who think they are receiving an illicit substance, you could still get in trouble. I would think that you could still be arrested and charged as if your chemicals were illegal. You might beat the charge in court, but how much is that going to cost you?

The only way that you could protect yourself from any legal repercussions (*i think), would be to market the chemicals accurately... sell mdai as mdai, not mdma, and for research purposes only. The second you make mention of how much a dose is, you have probably broken the law. Also, I'm not flaming you or hating on you, but you might want to show a bit of etiquette when it comes to research chemicals. I'm sure there are plenty of people on this forum that could be classified as "suppliers" of legal RCs, but I doubt many of them have ever stated so, publicly. If you choose to proceed with your plans, please do yourself and your clients a favor, and have all your products tested. Good luck and stay safe!


Well-Known Member
That you very much for your suppport guys. I am very understanding of the risk involved with taking and supplying RC's, I would only be sharing with friends and others that too also understand the risk, just looking for a safer (law wise) and cheaper way to have fun than giving someone we have met along the way $X for X concoction of drug when theres no easy way to tell where its come from. New Zealand does have the laws that if a drug is similar at a molecular level it can be considered illicit, but so far we have not seen any real enforcement.

My concern is more about it being siezed at customs rather than problems in distrobution with the law. As I said its more to share amoung friends who also are aware of the risk, Im just the one thats been nominated to do the hard work.

No telling people they are getting oranges when they are apples.

In regards to mentioning dosages breaking the law, there are many chems sold in shops locally as dietary suppliments that state dosages, so I would go with the belief its better to warn my friends how much not to take than let them find out themselves.

Ive noticed theres quite the etiquette, which is a bit intimidating for me, mainly because of my lack of knowledge. I will be taking a introductary chemistry correspondence paper at uni this semester which i hope to do well at, because in my hunting I see two names that are the same but could be completely different compounds.

I guess the main problem is finding a supplier isn't the middle man, Ive found one extreme to the other, I can either buy a gram of something for $60 or 25kg for $5000. Im not looking to be that big, or that small. Being a broke ass student it would be nice to make a small profit for it. Is that considered bad etiquette? In fact can someone explain proper etiquette to me?

Puffer, I will look into the zorb ball trade for you, but I think having them custom made may be a problem, as for each different design I imagine they need to build a new machine, my uncle is in the plastics industry so I'll talk to him about their manufacture, you could always give a go. Bonsai mums are great, but Im not happy with the early training I preformed so are starting a few more up, what a great way to keep mums though! I have exparience with RC's, but its completely uneducated, more just buying mystery pills and powders, Im just getting sick of spending money on shit that we cant have some degree of trust in. I did study serveral years ago now, piperazines they were hugely poplular until kids started taking doses upwards of 10 grams in a night and running people over, they are now considered class C. What interested me in this though was that at the time one could buy a KG of Benzylpiperazine for about $2000(nzd) and then sell it on for $50 a gram. Like i said, this is not a business interest for me, but being a student on the bones of my ass a little bonus would be nice.

Cheers for being patient with me guys, I feel its not an easy crowd to be accepted unto!


Active Member
The vendor usually declares the package as something else. A good vendor will guarantee your shipment, regardless of customs.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a question everyone asks, but how the heck do you find a vendor then? Like said above, I can find grams for sale, of barrels, nothing in between lol. Im aware people will not just give vendors away, but how does one find the appropriate channels of entry without loosing lots of money in the process? I would usually go through friends, but don't know anyone that knows anything :s dont mean to sound like a pester either. I think I would much rather deal with someone that runs the same style of operation as our seedbanks than some bulk pharmicutical supplier in china, or is that what needs to be done?


Active Member
Google the full chemical name. Then Google the vendors until you find something promising, like a positive review. Send inquiry emails and or call the vendors and make sure it sounds legit. Start with a small order in case you get scammed


Well-Known Member
hehe, thank you, so simple and straight forward, but isnt the whole idea with vendors that people keep them very quiet when they find a reliable source rather than post a review for every one to see?

Going back to the original subject, what are some good RC's people enjoy and why?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Lazaah ... You are turning nicer than I expected ...
The Zorb ball thing ... was actually YOUr request IN reverse (an example of what YOU are asking for .... think about IT)
Since we are dealing with 'drugs' which are going to be abused ... YOU must consider that either way ...'some of your friends will get hurt'
No matter what YOU get ... all RC's eventually get outlawed ... to be replaced by something else. That is why RC scene exists to begin with ... it is a CAT and Mouse thing.
Thus ... no matter how ONE looks at what YOU are proposing .....You are entering a 'shady business'

Taking morality out of equation .... YOU are basically becoming a middle MAN.
Once YOU have become this Person in the Middle ... and the money begins to flow ... (without education in chemistry) will loose sense of responsibility to your fellow MAN
Your focus in such business becomes monetary ... and ONCE this business becomes about the CASH alone .... You are actually contributing to the demise of the RC scene ...
Victims, become acceptable looses ....

Please forgive ME if I appear skeptic as to Your intentions ...
But I am the sort of person who would not give a person (insert any drug here) ... if I deem they are not ready. (YOU might be thinking right now .. who the fuck is this guy ? And I tell YOU, I am the guy who does not want YOU to GET Hurt as you party ... and I do not even know YOU) But I have had many close friends just like YOU with the same ambitions and have witnessed as they got mangled. Addicted to the crap they tried to sell even.
(cause it was always around .... barrels full)

Substances in general are NOT for everyONE. At times the smallest amounts might trigger psychological reactions which engage mental dysfunctions lurking within .... are YOU ready to take responsibility in such cases ?
And YOU want to sell such powders to your kin ... as YOU purchase in barrels ... please think this through.

And Drugs (RC's) IN general are NOT for FUN ... or shits and giggles ... 10mg difference in dosage ... will bend YOUR brain out of shape .... And YOU will never be the same again ...
This is a serious business. You must learn what you are doing .. what you are selling .... how it is made ... what is the process .. how it might be abused ... with what it might react with or TO
What are the long term effects involved in prolonged USE ...(BUT who really knows ... we are dealing with Research Chemicals)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Bro You can put glow-sticks inside and float them on water !!
They are under 1000 bucks and there is many US wholesalers.

Think OUTside the box IN USE !!

I wanna do a Niagara Falls RUN :)




Well-Known Member
Thank you once again for your time Puffer. Yeah I think who the fuck is this guy, but knowledge is power and you are the teacher buddy.

Any drugs use is going to hurt in one way or another. Remember when you first realised how irrational smoking dope long term made you, and then you took the initiative to correct that. I have seen alot, Im not saying Ive seen it all. I do not take abuse lightly, and my friends have nominated me as I am their rock. I have seen friends and my own mentalities crumble to dust and worse. Isnt that why we take these things though? To bend our minds to the limit once every while?

In self defence, without being defencive and wiith lack of a better term, me being a middle man, I hold strong morals, and the path I have travelled allows to me continue so. Im the only one of my close group of friends that isnt an alcoholic ;) Yet i brew beer and wine and wont sell them a drop. I

Chemistry knowledge, will come scholastically and with exparience. I want to educate from what I learn rather than watching people I care about take 20 "5 dolla hollas". Everyone comes from a different path, not everyone falls to greed. For me its a way for me and my friends to grow from drug related expariences while making a bit of extra coin so I can afford better seeds!