legal psychotropics


Well-Known Member
hey everyone. just thought I would through the question out there about legal pyschotropics and whether or not anyone has any experience with them, and what they thought? Not like I would EVER change my preference for "got blunt".....but.....curious?!


New Member
Legal Highs, they're legal because they don't work. Certain countries allow magic mushrooms, they work but are absoloutely disgusting. Wouldn't mind getting hold of some mescalin (e?), sorry not sure now if it ends in e. Anyway, better off sticking with the illegal stuff.


Well-Known Member
Under Erowid search "Mitch's Back", that's a journal from my father. I introduced him to 2Ci, a Shulgan produced phenyethamine that used to be legal and cheap over the internet. Until it bacame illegal and all the site owners busted, etc.

Psychedelics are great private conscious expanding trips to take very occasionally (twice a year imho).

And some legal highs aka; designer drugs from chemical companies or salvia divinorum are more powerful than anything you'll find on the street.

*** Any "Legal Buds" you see online in my experience are total BS and should be avoided at all costs.


Well-Known Member
thanks verve. I'll have to take a look at that. I totally agree with the "private, concious expanding" scenario. My experience has been just that, and hugely valuable and eye opening. Lots of that stuff is NOT to be played with so to speak. Good clean herb is still my favorite. and the odd 'shroom visit. But I have to watch my step, am not willing to throw away a 30 year professional career. I'm in a little of quandry, can't ask friends, deaers are too risky, hence the choice to grow my own now. I'm looking forward to this new chapter.....


New Member
Legal Highs that are more powerful than anything you can find on the street? Can you give me more info' on this as i'd like to investigate.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried it but have heard some very interesting and exciting (and also very scary ) stories about somer of them....salvia divinorum is particularly powerful and generally can be bought at most headshops even in North America


Well-Known Member
For my collective immediate psychonauting family salvia is still too powerful to play with. From a meditation standpoint it just kicks your ass, as any thought that enters your head while smoking it will take you out of the "stream" and into a self-conscious "spin-cycle" :fire:

Google "research chemicals". You'll find that unless you are an organic chemist, you'd be hardpressed to know what these chems do. Or even how to combine them to make them "special".

2ci, 2cb, the phenylamines and tryptamines have been globally restricted. I couldn't find anything - but only quickly searched.

For a Tahoe situation I would recommend growing your own mushrooms. They are quite prolific, you'll never run out, several ounces can be harvested and stored safely for later use and the set-up requires nothing larger than a small plastic container in your closet for a few weeks.

My father will take a long weekend twice a year, go up to his favorite campsite via canoe, eat shrooms, meditate, watch the sun rise, etc. And return refreshed and ready to continue his "normal" life.

*** For those lucky individuals who have mastered the concepts of advanced chemistry procedures, buy PIKHAL (Phenyethamines I've Known And Loved) by Alexander and Ann Shulgan, and TIKHAL (Tryptamines....).
They were given a legal US pass to experiment and create psychotropic chemicals and he proceeded to create HUNDREDS of them (2Ci, etc.). The books are in two parts, 1) a fictionalized biography of him and his wifes journey into the psychodelic world, and 2) the complete chemical breakdown and recipe and dosage for EVERY chemical he ever produced :shock:


New Member
I've read about Shulgin before. Very interesting bloke. Never come across salvia dinorum before but I'll be sure to check it out.

Mushrooms are minging, disgusting. Why go to the effort of getting through a couple of ounces of mushrooms when you can take some LSD? I went through a very short phase of eating mushrooms, lots of effort they took to eat. Before you mention the numerous other ways to digest mushrooms I found that the easiest way to digest them, and the quickest is to simply eat them. Mushrooms aren't legal in this country anymore, and besides that they are rubbish. I've eaten mexican, Indian, english and thai. I've also eaten philosophers stone, the mould that grows beneath the ground I think I remember it being. All in all I found the experiences didn't compare to LSD and ecstacy. 3 or 4 little tablets and you're off, no disgusting taste and very little in the way of side effects. After taking a batch of Indian mushrooms I suffered with kidney stress and palpitations of the heart for weeks afterwards. I wouldn't recommend mushrooms to anyone. But I would recommend LSD and MDMA. Not so much LSD, that's more for kids.

I looked into legal highs many years ago, when I first started taking E and before access to the internet was available. I read a book by Dr Shulgin, also one or two by Nicholas Saunders. It was what I was into at the time. I also read books on the brain and the effects drugs have on it. I also, believe it or not, managed to obtain recipes for both MDMA and Amphetamines. I even thought about enrolling on a chemistry course. I gave up when I realised that the chemicals needed are available Industrially only and that purchases of chemicals are closely monitored by the police.

Definitely going to look into this salvia dinorum shit though, but I bet you can't get it in this country.


Well-Known Member
Why go to the effort of getting through a couple of ounces of mushrooms when you can take some LSD?
All in all I found the experiences didn't compare to LSD and ecstacy.
The gist of Tahoes comments lead me to believe he wanted to occasionally trip discreetly. In his case, I don't believe he has ready access to LSD tabs - even if he did, who's to say what they are and what's in them unless your buying from the chemist directly.

Ecstasy... Ecstacy at least in the US is not a psychoactive drug. It it's purest sense it's MDMA no? It's definately a happy drug, though it melts portions of your cerebral cortex with repeated use. You may "trip" at a dance club, but profound meditative states are not to be had with ecstasy imho.

Closet grown mushrooms are 100% sterile (no cow shit growing mediums, etc). I've boiled 1/2 ounce with my tea and was tripping HARD - before I laid down my cup :mrgreen:



New Member
I don't like tripping anymore. It's something I did a lot when I was younger, too much I suppose because the only way I'd ever take LSD now is if I had E too. Now that's nice.

You're right about the tablets though, they were shit to begin with back in 90, and now they are diabolical, even if it has MDMA, the amount is so little you need to take ten in one go. I've had pure MDMA on a few occasions, and whenever the opportunity rises again I shall buy as much of it as I can. There's some apparent MDMA crystal that I've had. Not very good and I have my suspicions that it was crystal meth'. Hard to market that shit in this country, much easier to call it MDMA crystal.

So MDMA isn't psychoactive? What about THC? Of course MDMA is psychoactive. You just need to take the right amounts, 200mg by the way.

Mushrooms are shit, they taste disgusting and make you feel ill. I can't believe you are trying to promote these fungicidal, disgusting pretenders.


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms, I'll have to just take a devil's advocate stance on that one. I believe they are a gift from Earth. "Flesh of the Gods" is what the ancients' called them.

I will trip only very seldomly - got most of the hard drugs out of my system in my younger years.

Pure MDMA is known as "Molly" in the USA, hard to come by, worth stocking up if you can come across it. MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is classified as a
Euphoric Empathogen; Stimulant. Superficially I suppose it could be called a psychoactive, but so is caffeine! The word you may be looking for is psychotropic / psychedelic (sic?). MDMA is more closely related to the stimulant amphetamine classification than it is to LSD or the designer tryptamines and phenethylamines.

THC is and has always been in a class of it's own; socially and scientifically.

But any drug doesn't really make anything happen pharmacologically, they simply open up various receptors to activate portions of the brain/consciousness.

Everything you need to trip out is inside you right now (assuming you are sober, heh heh).

Drugs are the key to your internal gateway of trippiness if you will.


Active Member
"Everything you need to trip out is inside you right now, Drugs are the key to your internal gateway of trippiness"

vervejunkie do you mind if i use that as a quote....


Well-Known Member
cool thread....I'm glad I got the ball rolling...I am with Verve on this one. I love 'shrooms, especially as a tea. But there are always different perspectives, and skunk doesn't like it, so be it.

I also agree on the psychoactive-pysycotropic thing. I did MDMA more than 30 years ago. It was a totally amazing trip, super charged to the max. and that was on 10mg, it was made by some organic chemistry friends....very pure. But hardly pyschotropic, or pssychidelic, and hardly appropraite for meditation.....which is based on "being still", and "not doing". I was supercharged for 8+ hours, and the next day, every muscle in my body ached from the wild time I had. Actually went a saw an XTC concert....remember their song "helicopter" really really well!

Growing 'shrooms is a real option if I can get the spores. I would love to have an as wished supply of good 'shrooms. Just as I do with good organic weed, which is why I am on this path.

I tried LSD once also more than 30 years ago, I was always scared of it....but it was a lot of fun. Same with herion. Amazing stuff, actually way too amazing, and its no wonder that you can easily get addicted....its awesome, but as with most oof my experimentation, I tried most everything once, and that was enough, just to know what it was all like. Cocaine was a different story, snorting and freebasing......way to much fun and that play lingfered with me for a few years before I finally said that was enough.

What am I looking for? I'm looking for the free spirit of expanding my conciousness with a little help. Sitting at the edge of a roaring river 2-3 km across, watching the multi-million gallons of water cascade by, after having travelled more than 2000 miles from the mountain tops, and traveling another 2000 miles to the Arctic Ocean OR sitting up on a mountain ledge at 2500m (~8000ft) and watching the world below, grizzly bears, mountain goats, mountain sheep, pikas, chipmunks, peregrine falcons, golden eagles, going about their daily business. It's an awesome world, open your eyes, and drink it in.....the time we are here is all too shortr, and you need to relish in each and every moment. For tomorrow or tonight you might not return and have the chance.


New Member
It takes 200 mg of pure MDMA to get the intended proper effect. 10 mg wouldn't even touch me.

Oh and verve if you are going to get technical at least have the decency to do it properly. Now I'm going from memory here, and it's a long time ago but I'm sure the correct formula is 3 4 methylenedioxy4methamphetamine.

The psychedelic road is a lie. It starts out as truth then desends into an insanity. It tries to make you believe things that aren't real, see conspiracies that aren't really there.

I don't like what you said about heroin, heroin is a dirty drug. It's not nice at all, the buzz I mean. It's disgusting. Horrible. I've taken heroin on a few occasions, never injected by the way, I draw the line there. But smoked it both with tobacco and on foil. I haven't enjoyed it once. The last time I had it was a few years ago, because my gf hadn't tried it before. She didn't like it either. Heroin over here is synonymous with being the lowest of the low.

Crack's a different matter. Really nice if you take it sober. Dangerous drug but also synonymous with being down and out.


Well-Known Member
"Everything you need to trip out is inside you right now, Drugs are the key to your internal gateway of trippiness"

vervejunkie do you mind if i use that as a quote....
Of course not - be my guest, and give credit ;-)

Growing 'shrooms is a real option if I can get the spores.

What am I looking for? I'm looking for the free spirit of expanding my conciousness with a little help. Sitting at the edge of a roaring river 2-3 km across, watching the multi-million gallons of water cascade by, after having travelled more than 2000 miles from the mountain tops, and traveling another 2000 miles to the Arctic Ocean OR sitting up on a mountain ledge at 2500m (~8000ft) and watching the world below, grizzly bears, mountain goats, mountain sheep, pikas, chipmunks, peregrine falcons, golden eagles, going about their daily business. It's an awesome world, open your eyes, and drink it in.....the time we are here is all too shortr, and you need to relish in each and every moment. For tomorrow or tonight you might not return and have the chance.
If you are in the USA tahoe, mushroom spores are legal :mrgreen: :smile: Also please check out my fathers psych experience :peace:

Oh and verve if you are going to get technical at least have the decency to do it properly. Now I'm going from memory here, and it's a long time ago but I'm sure the correct formula is 3 4 methylenedioxy4methamphetamine.

The psychedelic road is a lie. It starts out as truth then desends into an insanity. It tries to make you believe things that aren't real, see conspiracies that aren't really there.
Actually I wasn't trying to be snarky skunk, just making sure we were all talking about the same thing. In fact we were BOTH wrong (I took mine off erowid) the "correct" formula, according to is (3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-Methylamphetamine).

I had the good fortune to stumble into meditation at age 14, later revised to include psychedelic meditation at age 16-17. I've been meditating twice a day at least, for over 10 years. I can tell you that the purely psychedelic road is not so much a lie, as it is not the end - rather the beginning glimpse of how most people see their true conscious energy. After the party ends and your ego violently assumes control over your functions, it often seems like all those wonderful insights were untrue. In reality *you=ego* are the lie, and the truth is dying to come out. Most people just take more drugs...

And heroin without needles is for pussies :dunce:


New Member
Just done a quick search on the formula and found numerous sites that quote it as being 3, 4 methylenedioxy methamphetamine. With a space rather than a symbol of any kind and the second meth being as is and not methyl. I checked out that other site first. I just typed the formula into a search.

Meditation, hmmm. Well I suppose it's up to you. I prefer to keep my mind active. I'm the sort of guy who can't sit still watching t.v. (unless it's a film), let alone sitting there with my legs crossed concentrating on not concentrating. Way too boring. I have to be playing chess, doing puzzles, i have a championship manager game that is full of statistics, reading, writing. I have many things to occupy my mind.

I believe that the key to enlightenment is to know your own mind. The only time I meditate, or anything even approaching a meditative state is just before i go to sleep. They say that it takes the average person 14 minutes to fall asleep. My form of meditation includes replaying the days events, sometimes over and over again, remembering people's facial reactions, their body language. Sometimes a story idea will come to me and I just can't help but write it in my head, sometimes for days, years. since having kids I haven't really had the peace required to get them down and onto a disc.

I don't need religion of any kind, i know my mind well; my target now is to discover other people's.


Active Member
I don't think salvia willl be for you skunk, its a very powerful substance, but very much leans towards meditation. You can but it from any "legal high" store at an extremely inflated price. I prerfer to buy it off ebay where it is a fraction of the price.

Everyone I've introduced salvia to has hated it, but it definatly worth trying for the fact that it is so different. You dont so much as see things but interprit old things differently.

Salvia needs respect as it can be very powerful. Other than that go for it.

I also have some quite weak salvia that I sell on in my spare time if anyone is interested...


Well-Known Member
Psychadelics are what you make of them.
The trips from 2C-B, 2C-E, and 2C-I are strange. I highly recommend 2C-B and 2C-E. 2C-B is kinda like a very mellow candyflip. 2C-E is like a much less intense LSD trip, and you can smoke it in a foil pipe to increase intensity. 2C-I is kinda unpleasant, awkward body high.
Eating mushrooms is like smokin' herb, it feels so natural and right.
Salvia is very powerful and very confusing. I'd say try it once and if you don't like it, stay away from it.
LSD has changed my view of the world countless times and I don't regret eating as much as I have. It's shown me the brightest of the bright and the darkest of the dark. It's helped me understand.
MDMA doesn't make you "trip" although it can gives things a little glow. It's more about the incredible feeling of euphoria it gives your body and mind. Stay away from constant MDMA use because it will make you dumb as fuck. I have plenty of friends who are dumb as fuck because of this.