Legalize Vote


Well-Known Member
So my cousin posted this in her blog today on myspace. And she stated she voted a couple of her friends stated they called and voted as well. To be honest Im a little scared to call. Anyone heard or read something similar? Its a Jersey number what you guys think legit?

As everyone know the American economy has been in a downward spiral. President Obama has come up with a plan to try and create revenue with the legalization of marjiuana. Please call 973-409-3274. It will explain that this number is for voting once the votes reach 1 million The President plans to petition congress to legally tax pot in the same way that cigarettes and alcohol are taxed. Do your part to Legalize It!!!

y legalize and have mj taxed and give more money to the government to supply thier never ending arsenal of lies.
Decriminalization is the way 2 go.Just because it will raise our profit by billions we still wont pay back the trillons we owe to foriegn oils.
ive got it in a text. i think its legit. they talk bout obama and the legalization of marijuana. they juss need 1 million votes
the creator of that number owns a company called humor hotlines. from what ive read he really plans on giving it to the white house but that dosent mean shit. also when you call and press the number it tells you to you are giving them permission to give your number to whoever they want, so you can probably expect to get phone calls from people trying to sell you shit you dont want.