Lemon Skunk; A Bonsai Mother.


Well-Known Member
This will document the growth of a Bonsai Mother, Xena.
She's a Lemon Skunk who is 42 days vegetating since she rooted.
This cut was in my friend's hands for a few years, and I've smoked the
end-product several times.
His buds are crisp, a little leafy, smells like dank blueberries,
and has a lot of smoke for a little bit of bud.
Awesome smoke, and when I recieved a clone of it, I was really recieving
a trophy.
A little background;
Xena will be supplying clones for a perpetual CFL cabinet grow,
"DrBudGreenGenes of ICMag style".
For now, the schedule is Two clones, every two weeks.
If I get another mother going, then each will supply one clone,
every two weeks.
I'm using a free sample pack 3-part (Grow/Micro/Bloom) from X Nutrients,
Formerly Hydroponix.

Here she is as a 5 day old clone;
D5 Taylor.jpgD5 Side.jpg
Here she is today, at 42 days vegetating;
V42 Profile.jpgV42 Flash.jpgV42 Taylor!.jpgV42 Top.jpg


Well-Known Member
October 1, Day 43;
Took the first two clones from Xena,
They are 'Alpha' & 'Beta' who will be Bonsai'd with Xena as two additional mothers.
If you've ever kept plants in small containers, you realize how often they need water.
If you fuck up, you fry the poor thing and lose your genetics.
I'm backing it up x3.

In about a week I begin taking clones regularly. Two clones, every two weeks.
They will go on as '1' '2' '3' '4' and so on, for the sake of recording.
This cabinet is to be used to test various techniques, sizes, and SoG tricks,
until I can max out my yield.


Well-Known Member
Day 57; Xena!
Needless to say I killed the shit out of that basil.
Xena is fat as hell, I don't understand how there's so much bush for such little root space.
I'll update with photos later, camera is charging.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I never updated that day 57.
Well I've taken 3 monstrously dense clones from xena.
One was removed, 2 left.
The strongest one becomes my new mother, and xena's remaining foliage will be cooked likely.


Well-Known Member
Day 106; Xena!
Been a long time since I've updated.
After all 3 clones failed to root due to foliage and density,
I've decided to keep Xena.

I chopped her back to a few branches,
Root pruned her down to about 2/3 original size,
and left her under a weak fluorescent tube to recover.

Here she is on Day 5;
V5 Xena.jpg
And here she is after the Renovation,
I didn't take the date down, it was a few weeks ago.

V80ish Xena Renovation.jpg
And here's today, Day 106!
She's ready for another 4 clones to be taken,
I've been flushing her for a few days now.
V106 Xena (1).jpgV106 Xena (2).jpgV106 Xena.jpg


Well-Known Member
The big girl I flowered out recently started bananas on Day 49.

We'll see what happens.
I've got one on day 39 in my Pruning link.


Well-Known Member
Day 120; Xena!
V120 Xena.jpg

It's beena couple wbeeks, but here she is!
Doing great,ready for another 4or 5 clones.


Well-Known Member
While out of town for the holidays, Xena has dehydrated into critical condition.
Recoveryis a small chance, but possible.


Well-Known Member
Xena never recovered from that last trip.
She passed away.

Most of the clones rooted however.
And I've started a new Bonsai Mum of the Lemon Skunk,
to go with 6 other seedlings that I'll be testing.

I need batteries for my camera, no excuse I should just go get some haha.