Lemon Tek


Active Member
What do you know about it?

What does it do exactly? And I want science! Who knows what the citric acid actually does?

I also want opinions. Have you done it? Did it intensify your trip? If so what would you consider the ratio for dosing? 2 grams equals an eighth? Something in that range maybe?

For those who don't know: The lemon tek is when you steep your mushrooms in lemon juice and then eat/drink the whole thing.

Is it gross? I kinda have a feeling it is, is it worth the grossness you have to ensue?
Wouldn't that kill you?

Depends how much you drink dude, 3 drops of HCL in a mix should be less acidic than a glass of orange juice.

I got %98 nitric acid on my finger in my bedroom lab and just stuck it in my mouth after curiosity, extremely bitter but don`t let the idea of mineral acids scare you, its all about how much you come in contact with and where.

2 drops in your eye? Your screwed! 10 drops in a glass of water? your fine!
citric acid will not enhance a trip. it may shorten the "uptime" by releasing the drug from it's carrier into your system a little faster, but that is about it...
I thought the antioxidant qualities allowed a small percentage of molecules to remain unreacted and thus increase the bioavailability of the psilocin.

I could be wrong though...
In acidic solutions psilocybin dephosphorates and converts to the active psilocin, this happens naturally in your stomach acids. I dont feel that it really intensifies it much but it does seem to come on faster this way. It's not that gross either. I soak in the juice of a freshly squeezed lime for 30 min, add near boiling water, steep for 20 min, strain, add Kool-aide mix to taste, ice and enjoy!
i personaly this this is bullshit ive tripped on mush way to many times to count and had out of body experiences my best trips werre from just eating the zoomz as they are mostly dryed but a little moist still ive taken vitamin c before my trip nothing orange juice nothing this lemon tek nothing maybe comes on faster but no more effects happin. also if u use squeesed lemon juice it tasts pretty bad and i like lemons. and muchrooms.
After a google search and a single thread on bluelight it turns out that it would simply allow it to come on quicker because the psilocybin is highly soluble is weakly acidic solutions, or methanol, and this allows you to absorb it much like a mushroom tea workup.

Another method would be to use MAO-I's of the beta-carbaline class.
After a google search and a single thread on bluelight it turns out that it would simply allow it to come on quicker because the psilocybin is highly soluble is weakly acidic solutions, or methanol, and this allows you to absorb it much like a mushroom tea workup.

Another method would be to use MAO-I's of the beta-carbaline class.

And where might one obtain this?
Lots of plants. Just do a google search and read the wiki page. There are a number of plants used in ayahuasca brews for this exact effect.
Lots of plants. Just do a google search and read the wiki page. There are a number of plants used in ayahuasca brews for this exact effect.

Well I know that an MAOI will make the DMT orally active but there is also pharmayahuasca which would be dmt with a pharmacutical MAOI. It seems it would be easier just to take a pill with the mushrooms rather than find a plant and such.

Do you know any over the counter MAOI's? Does such a thing exist? Maybe as a diet supplement?
No I think pharmahuasca is an extracted DMT-salt or freebase mixed with an extracted harmala. It can be ingested just like the tea but without all waxes and flavors, and dyes, that come with the bark and leaves.

I wouldn't use a pharmaceutical, I just haven't tested any of those, but don't really know if the pharmacokinetics would interact.
I'll tell ya one thing, lemon tek definitely gives me a different trip. Ive done booms probably 30+ times, but i lemon tekked the last 2, and they were on another level. In fact, it was almost totally different. My rides almost always are slow come up, and 'melting' visuals with a giggly body. This is NOT how the lemon tek treated me. The closest thing i could equate it to was like a heavy dose of acid. Intense hallucinations, but not the 'melting' that i know. Instead of a slow come up and steady high, it was an incredibly fast come up, and proceeded to hit me in waves for about 3 hours. For about 15m i would be fine, lucid, coherent, then, 15m of darkness and insanity. Over and over. The visuals, were more like watching an old school 3d movie (the red/blue glasses style) without wearing the actual glasses.

But, as well all know, there are MANY variables when it comes to booms. These were also my first time tripping on my own home grown stash, the doses have been heavily mixed with aborts, and was powdered.

After tonights trip though, i think im done with the lemon tek. Even if all it does is bring it faster, tonight, it came too fast. I wasnt ready, and it was a crazy ride that in retrospect was absolutely fuckin wild, but it had some really scary points.

Im rambling and not giving what the OP was asking, but i just wanted to share that.
I'll tell ya one thing, lemon tek definitely gives me a different trip. Ive done booms probably 30+ times, but i lemon tekked the last 2, and they were on another level. In fact, it was almost totally different. My rides almost always are slow come up, and 'melting' visuals with a giggly body. This is NOT how the lemon tek treated me. The closest thing i could equate it to was like a heavy dose of acid. Intense hallucinations, but not the 'melting' that i know. Instead of a slow come up and steady high, it was an incredibly fast come up, and proceeded to hit me in waves for about 3 hours. For about 15m i would be fine, lucid, coherent, then, 15m of darkness and insanity. Over and over. The visuals, were more like watching an old school 3d movie (the red/blue glasses style) without wearing the actual glasses.

But, as well all know, there are MANY variables when it comes to booms. These were also my first time tripping on my own home grown stash, the doses have been heavily mixed with aborts, and was powdered.

After tonights trip though, i think im done with the lemon tek. Even if all it does is bring it faster, tonight, it came too fast. I wasnt ready, and it was a crazy ride that in retrospect was absolutely fuckin wild, but it had some really scary points.

Im rambling and not giving what the OP was asking, but i just wanted to share that.

Hey man that was a very helpful post.... I figure the bottom line is it doesnt intensify but does bring it quicker, which could be more intense? I'm thinking of throwing 5 g's in lemon juice then throwing hot water on it and doing that for my next trip.... I cant wait
Yep that's exactly what id say. It only was about 3-4 hours compared to what is normally 6-7 for me. But, wow. The intensity, never experienced anything like it. Im still a little bit rattled, but quite happy about it =D
To get it to hit faster I always grind em up and stuff em into empty pill capsules found at the local health food store. No bad taste at all just fast hitting. Gonna have to try this lemon tek for comparison.