Lemon trees.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

I picked up a lemon tree today, a Dwarf Meyer to be specific.

So for you citrus growers, what tips can you offer on getting the most out my new tree?
Regular water, monthly feelings, and some frost protection in winter, meyer's are the best...
Thanks guys. More than the basics, I was looking for tips and tricks that might be Meyer-specific, so to speak. I already have citrus trees and provide the essentials; water, food, weeding, etc.

I agree, Meyers are awesome.

It's so little, but just a few short years and it'll be a stud with more lemons than I'll know what to do with.
That would be a great idea if I lived almost anywhere else. We don't get very low temps here, rarely get frost, so that won't be a concern. It's in the ground in a spot that gets good sunlight and has ample room to spread out.

I'll try an get a picture up when I'm back in town.