Let get wet or hit by tarp???


Well-Known Member
I have 14 Oregon Diesel heavy into flower…Looking beautiful! We are supposed to get rain today….25-.50 of an inch…They are in pots so I grouped them together and tarped them with a 12X30 tarp…My problem is I have the tarp pulled as tight as I can get it, but it's windy as fuck, and it billows up and comes down and hits the tops of several plants colas.
Oregon Diesel is mold resistant, but how much it can take I don't know?!?!

Which is the lesser of two evils… Let them all get wet?? Or let the tarp hit the cola tops of 4 or 5 plants?


Well-Known Member
Covering them that tight you risk the tarp getting weighed down and breaking your top colas. But with the rain and your plants in late flowering you risk bud rot. In times like these I try to move my plants into a shed or something for cover. If you cant do that I'd suggest you stick with the tarp, but try to suspend it above your plants so the branches are not touching and have the tarp angle down on one side to let the rain drain off instead of pool. Best of luck mate, mother nature can be a bitch sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Another Oregonian, faced with a similar choice I went with covering them. It seemed like I could lose some to contact, or possibly all to rot. Also, and no one else has said this (and this is my first time growing outdoors) so I'm not sure its relevant, but I've sprayed my plants and they seem to have a nice coating of anti- bug and fungus stuff on them, and I don't want that to wash off. In my case the wind hasn't been bad yet, but I will lose some top buds because they are pressed up against the plastic and condensation will most likely rot them out.

Last night we had a flash down pour at 4am, about an 1/8th of an inch fell in a couple of minutes. I'm glad I had the plastic up. Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Mon would rather water hit them than plastic. Getting rained on once or twice ain't gonna hurt em, might even give em color and even wash any dust off. Few years back, huge storm ripped and blew mons greenhouse down, plants got a soaking, still came out great.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I get out there and fix shit up.. Then get a 30 mph gust and it fucks up what I fixed. I'll probably get it right by the time the wind dies down. The rain isn't the problem it's the wind!! If I had more space in my greenhouse or shed they'd be in there. ive got as many plants tucked away in dry places as I can.. I just hate seeing any top colas get smushed


Well-Known Member
Stick something in the middle of all your plants that is taller than the plants themselves. Like a pole, ladder, tall lamp, etc. something to push up the middle of the tarp up, sort of like a low profile teepee, this will not only keep it from touching the tops but it will also guide the rainwater away to the perimeter.