lets play name that deficiency...+rep


Active Member
ok people,if anyone is willing to help me please do so fast,cause this is really beginning to bother me. i have 4 dif strains all showing the same/simular symptoms.
the ph is on point,ive tried dosing it with grow big for possible N def, cal-mag for possible calmag def, some tigerbloom for the purpling of them stems and veins,ive flushed them, pretty much everything people have told me to do. heres the specs.
there on the 19th day or so of flower,in 2.5 gallon containers,with FFOF mis, under 250w hps with 165cfm exhausting out from under the hood,temps are around 85* lights on and drop down to like 65* at night. i water every 2-3 days,usually every other watering i will feed with w.e they look like they need.
i vegged for about 2 1/2 months,so maybe its a medium/container issue? im just stumped,if anyone could give me some suggestions i will be more than happy to +rep!

(they have gotten slightly worse since these pics,i can have more tomorrow night



Active Member
im pretty sure the leaves turn yellow and die off during flowering, i think your problem is really a problem, see what anyone else says


Active Member
im pretty sure the leaves turn yellow and die off during flowering, i think your problem is really a problem, see what anyone else says
yea i wouldnt be worried about it if it didnt begin so soon and progress so rapidly. the began to yellow into the first week of flowering..and have just got worse and worse everyday.thanks though


Well-Known Member
when you water you plants next time, soak it to get a good bit of run off water to test. i believe that you may have a low ph problem that is causing nitrogen lock out. if you dont have a ph meter just add 1/4 TEAspoon of baking soda to 1 gallon of water. baking soda will raise the ph of the water. after several waterings, the ph of the soil will rise as well. i believe ph might be too low.


Active Member
when you water you plants next time, soak it to get a good bit of run off water to test. i believe that you may have a low ph problem that is causing nitrogen lock out. if you dont have a ph meter just add 1/4 TEAspoon of baking soda to 1 gallon of water. baking soda will raise the ph of the water. after several waterings, the ph of the soil will rise as well. i believe ph might be too low.
yea ive tried all that,the ph is like 6.5 goin in,and the run off is like just under 6.5..ive got ph up and down,and i make sure to get it perfect for every watering.thanks for your thoughts tho


Well-Known Member
try lowering the ph a bit get it down to about 6.3, some plants are picky, i would say that it is definitely nitrogen.


Active Member
plants are fine its putting more energy into making bud the leafs will start to yellow and die slowly when flowering

if your PH is fine and your giving the proper amount of nutes/water then its normal


Active Member
plants are fine its putting more energy into making bud the leafs will start to yellow and die slowly when flowering

if your PH is fine and your giving the proper amount of nutes/water then its normal
thanks for the assurance,but like i said,even the curling,cupping,browning and buring tips? i dont exactly know what would be the proper amount of nutes for each,i kinda just add what i think it looks like it needs


Well-Known Member
Weed can handle pretty much everything we can throw at it except for one thing, soggy root area. The plants all have been over watered, or the root system has not been allowed to dry out completely between watering.


Active Member
Weed can handle pretty much everything we can throw at it except for one thing, soggy root area. The plants all have been over watered, or the root system has not been allowed to dry out completely between watering.
i appreciate your input,but thats almost impossible..theres some weeks that i dont even get to see them for 2-3 days at a time so over watering is out of the question..but i was thinking maybe some root problems cause of how compact the soil is,it just doesnt seem to trap any air in there for the roots to breath anymore,i dno what the deal is,but as far as bud production is concernd they seem to be moving along ok...thanks for your advice tho. any more opinions??

LIttle Jimmy

Active Member
SO these plants look pretty big man! I am a HUGE fan of hydro! But one time I grew in soil! I had the most beautiful babies and then one day they started doing the same thing yours were doing! I was growing them in one gallon buckets and they were ROOT bound. I never though of this because when I grow hydro the roots just grow right out of the first bucket and into the water in the second...

I transplanted them into a different bucket but it was too late....I had to harvest them early!

I am always a big fan of flushing your plants two weeks before they are ready making them yellow from top to bottom by giving them just water "curing them on the vine" it makes the smoke VERY SMOOTH...However...YOUR plants aren't ready to be harvested I don't see any red hairs at all! They should still be green! There is something wrong! If they aren't root bound then they are DEFINITELY nitrogen deficient...

If you don't fix it the buds won't suffer but the yield will.


Active Member
SO these plants look pretty big man! I am a HUGE fan of hydro! But one time I grew in soil! I had the most beautiful babies and then one day they started doing the same thing yours were doing! I was growing them in one gallon buckets and they were ROOT bound. I never though of this because when I grow hydro the roots just grow right out of the first bucket and into the water in the second...

I transplanted them into a different bucket but it was too late....I had to harvest them early!

I am always a big fan of flushing your plants two weeks before they are ready making them yellow from top to bottom by giving them just water "curing them on the vine" it makes the smoke VERY SMOOTH...However...YOUR plants aren't ready to be harvested I don't see any red hairs at all! They should still be green! There is something wrong! If they aren't root bound then they are DEFINITELY nitrogen deficient...

If you don't fix it the buds won't suffer but the yield will.
thanks for all the advice. i think there may be a slight chance they are rootbound..like i mentioned before,they vegged for like 2 1/2 months,and are flowerin in the same containers. im uploading some more pics now of the leafs and what not to get a better idea of the symptoms
From the look of them, and for how long you've vegged, it's time for a transplant into bigger pots. Transplanting now will increase your yield, but lots of the leaves may remain yellow - not to worry. The roots just need more room. Looks like you're doing a fabulous job so far!!


Active Member
From the look of them, and for how long you've vegged, it's time for a transplant into bigger pots. Transplanting now will increase your yield, but lots of the leaves may remain yellow - not to worry. The roots just need more room. Looks like you're doing a fabulous job so far!!
yea i think so too, now i just have to figure how to get them into larger containers that will fit inmy small closet..that would take a another week the least anyway. are these symptoms typical of a rootbound issue? thanks for your re assurance!


Well-Known Member
Honestly they dont look that bad, I mean I realize they're yellow but happens alot last few weeks of flower, some sooner and more signifigant, but overall they plant looks healthy, IMO. I would just continue on with your tiger bloom before flush, Im not that good with diagnosing but Ive had perfectly good plants look similar in my grows and worked out fine. Continue checking, maybe someone else has a better explanation but I wouldnt be that worried, wish you all the best, those buds look like there comin along good...take care, peace


New Member
its notrogen def. my guess is you switched to a bloom nute? most bloom nutes lack enough nitrogen to keep your leaves green. my suggestion is to work your way into the bloom nute gradually. I assume you switched nutes when you went into bloom? and thats right when your leaves turned yellow?

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Ive had plants that I vegged too long and were pretty severely rootbound that didnt do anything devasting to the plant, most of all just slowed growth a bit and Ive heard some people say it can increase root rot probability, but to me I dont think its as big a deal as some people...its always better to have unlimited space for your roots to grow, but they can fill up soil pretty quickly