Well-Known Member

ANYWAYS, I haven't touched a plant in years now. You all know the story, life happens and I just had to hang it up for a while. But growing cannabis has always been a huge passion for me. I've sat patiently waiting for years to be in the right place to start growing again, it stays in the back of my mind constantly. Well as I was cleaning out my old storage closet about a month ago I came across my old grow equipment and that old feeling came rushing back to me, I instantly stopped what I was doing and just stared at it for a good 2 or 3 mins just asking myself, "what's stopping me from starting another grow now?", and I couldn't think of 1 single thing standing in my way, so my attention immediately shifted from cleaning out the storage to now cleaning out my walk in closet. It's the PERFECT place for a grow and my now late wife would never let me use it because well, she didn't want her clothes to stink like weed, lol, can't say I blame her. Well seeing as she is no longer using it, and I don't hang my clothes anyways, I just use a dresser. Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound dark, she passed almost 3 years ago. But I still do miss her like crazy,

Pic's will come soon. Maybe even today, Im currently coming up on week 2 of veg of my 1 OG Kush Auto from Humboldt. I wanted to wait a week or two before I started a journal so I had some kind of pictures to post, and I will. But Im using Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil and nute's. 600w LED.....for 1 plant.. lol. I know, it's a bit over kill but it's all I got from my prior grow set up. I used to grow a lot more back in the day. But I plan on adding another plant in about a month to have 2 plants in rotation a month apart, thats the plan at least.
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