Well-Known Member

Here it is for my weekly spray. Recipe is for 1 gallon

1 tsp neem oil
1 tsp Rosemary oil
1/2 tsp clove oil
1/2 tsp peppermint oil
1/4 tsp pro tekt
1 tsp liquid yucca extract
1/2 tbsp dr Bronners (I use the un scented, I'm sure lavender or mint would both be fine)
2 oz aloe Vera juice*
I mix all of this and then add to a gallon of dechlorinated water.
I spray this once a week up until week 3 or 4 of flower indoor and will follow that in the greenhouse. I've used to week 5 on a 9 week strain and noticed no ill effects. Indoors and while plants were smaller I used a 2 gallon garden sprayer. The one I got was $18 and is a beast. Now I use a fog master jr. It can handle water or oil based sprays. It will do the greenhouse in 12 minutes and I'd spend an hour with my pump sprayer. I'll probably use it indoors this year to. I'd call it more of a mist than a fog, but it really gets it in there. Only drawbacks are it has a 1 qt reservoir so keep the jug handy and lastly it's pretty loud so I'm sure the people staying at the bed and breakfast next door love it when I'm out there spraying at 8:00 in the morning.

For my indoor I was using fresh aloe but my tiny plants can't keep up for with the greenhouses so I have been using Lilly of the dessert 100% aloe, there is one that is preservative free and was recommended by someone in a no til thread I picked it up at vitamin world for $9.99 I think.
My full term plants all got one treatment each of azamax, spinosad and pyrethrin this year after I had some aphid issues and noticed what looked to be thrip damage on 1 plant. Now after the heatwave passes I'll roll the ends down and put my extraction fans in. They'll get the essential oil spray once a week for a couple 3 weeks and then I'll release a couple containers of lady bugs in there after that. I've got green cure for PM if it pops up, I got a couple spots in the dep greenhouse but I'd pick the leaves and it never spread. I did get a little bud rot and I'm hoping someone will know if it will kill botrytis spores as well?
When I was indoor I crafted my spray with fresh herbs but keeping up with the greenhouse while working 60 hour weeks takes a lot. So I switched to the oils.
I guess that kind of wraps up what I've got to say on the matter. I'd love to hear what everyone else does. From our prop 215 and OR tier 1 rec growers all the way down to our back yard farmers and guerrila soldiers I want to hear it all. If you've got questions throw them up and if I don't know I hope people with deeper bags will drop knowledge on the rest of us.
Here's to a good harvest in 2016. As always stay safe and happy farming.