Lets try this again....


Well-Known Member
Ok so I started out with 6 6500k cfl's and 12 plants not doing my research. So I ordered my 400w MH/HPS and have had it running for a week and a half now

My room is 4x4x6 box with a box fan,humidifier,and smaller heater for nights

Soil:MG with 35% perlite in 9 of them/other two I'm testing with no perlite and about 10% peat moss

Nutes: african violet,bone meal,and blood meal....Running on 1/4 strength

Strain: Just bag seed from some good mids

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They babies are about 3 1/2 weeks old


Well-Known Member
lookin lovely! man starting from seed is a loooooooong process :) keep up the nice work!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
400 is light (no pun intended) for a 4x4. A 600 would have been better. Center the light and keep in mind that the foot wide band around the edge is getting less than optimal light.


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm getting a 1000...But I have them close and I rotate the ones on the edges out. They seem healthy....Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Yea I HIGHLY doubt I'm going to get 12 females...If for some reason I get more than 6 I will built another room :)

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
That burning the hand thing is another bit of advice from hell. I have put my hand under an hps that was reading 95 on top of the foliage and it just felt comfortable warm to me. You need a reliable thermometer and a way to suspend it so it is level with the top of the foliage and under the light.


Active Member
they look awesome for bag seed weed, id put the light as close as possible without burning plants. i keep my 400's -mh (used for babies) about 1 1/2 ft away with fan blowing directly on em to keep em cool enough not to burn. they say the rule of thumb is if it doent get ur hand to hot where the plant its fine.


Well-Known Member
Well I have it about a 1 1/2 ft away from them right now. They started on only 6 cfl's so they are trying to keep up


Well-Known Member
Well I noticed a slow down in growth switching to 18/6 so I switched to 20/4 and then back to 24/0 and they are looking GREAT