Letter from 2012 in Obama's America

No it doesn't, but Rich people are obsessed with Profit...
It does say that the Love of Money is the Route of all evil
Now here is what I think you said that is interesting.

And yet the overwhelming majority of Christians are What? That's right, Republicans (so-called Conservatives.)
The last 8 years have served nothing but to abuse and enslave the American people.

More impressive if you would say the last 150 years. Go back to where it truly started with the creation of the Income Tax by Lincoln.
If it is so important to help the poor to you, then go do it, and find other people to help you. Don't tell me that I need to do it, against my will, and then shout about charity and compassion when I resist, because then I can only ask, where is your charity, and your compassion?

And here is where the "rich are more charitable" hits the wall. It's great for others to be charitable, but count me out Is their mantra. So...... we must forcefully take from the rich to care for the poor. Otherwise we would have people living out of dumps like in south and central America, I think we already have a few, Let's look into this for a moment: How much is enough for Christs sake? Is a million, maybe 10 million. I think the person who has nothing but gives a little is ten thousand times the righteous person than a rich dude that gives thousands. It's not about you, it's about the needs of others. Jesus said things like the eye of the camel, treat everyone (Including the poor) as you would want to be treated etc. All the great sages have proposed helping those less fortunate, and you call this stealing. Well, if your kind, (The selfish rich dudes) would cough up your fair share of help without coercion, maybe this would be a much better world, but alas, that is not going to happen without Divine intervention, or Obama in your pocket,~LOL~.
Permanant Income Taxes were brought into vouge during WWII, They Called it the Victory Tax. After that if became the Income Tax, Dude, I was arguing the same thing 10 years ago.
I have said it many times, I was a life Long Republican until Bush's second year in office, the Republicans walked away from their Message, they did a complete 180° turnaround.
They have let the Neo-Conservatives (National Socialist) (Right wing Nuts) Take over the party.
Permanant Income Taxes were brought into vouge during WWII, They Called it the Victory Tax. After that if became the Income Tax, Dude, I was arguing the same thing 10 years ago.
I have said it many times, I was a life Long Republican until Bush's second year in office, the Republicans walked away from their Message, they did a complete 180° turnaround.
They have let the Neo-Conservatives (National Socialist) (Right wing Nuts) Take over the party.
I'm not quite sure what part of socialism you found in Dubya's tenure, It certainly didn't reach my income level. Maybe it was for corporations etc., but that would be more along the lines of plutochracy.
Permanant Income Taxes were brought into vouge during WWII, They Called it the Victory Tax. After that if became the Income Tax, Dude, I was arguing the same thing 10 years ago.
I have said it many times, I was a life Long Republican until Bush's second year in office, the Republicans walked away from their Message, they did a complete 180° turnaround.
They have let the Neo-Conservatives (National Socialist) (Right wing Nuts) Take over the party.

I wasn't aware that it was called the victory tax, but it existed before that. The rub during WWII was them converting it into the current withholdings system.

Their trick was the false promise that if people let them switch to withholding people would be exempt from income taxes for 42 in 43. Never mind that withholding meant that the government got the money, and there was no real exemption from the taxes in 42.

Though I might have the years wrong.
I understand that there was taxation on income prior to WWII, but the income taxes were not permanent until WWII. Before then, the Taxes were taken to help out in an economic crisis and to pay for the wars we were involved in.

The Biggest mistake Bush did during his tenure was to start a war and not raise Taxes to support it. It has basically bankrupted our country.
Even as a Republican, I was not against taxes, I was against exceedingly High Taxes.
I'm not against tax cuts now, I do believe that the tax cuts were misdirected, They should have never been given to the rich and the Tax Burden put on the backs of the Middle class.

Taxes are a necessary evil in today's society, our roads are in bad need of repair, our electrical system is pub-par, bridges need to be fixed... but also by the same token we need to stop spending on unnecessary bullshit pork barrel crap.
Maybe you are Jesus ready to return and don't know it yet, so Dr Pot, count me in on the return party, I'll bring some vintage pot, right out of 2008. We'll get down and boogy into the night.
God, I sure hope not. If so, that's probably why that date is supposed to be the end of the world.

TBT - I went to your web site and I was visitor #1337! Of course, your web page is sort of like this one but without any dissenting opinion or functional user interface, so I came back.
God, I sure hope not. If so, that's probably why that date is supposed to be the end of the world.

TBT - I went to your web site and I was visitor #1337! Of course, your web page is sort of like this one but without any dissenting opinion or functional user interface, so I came back.

User interface works fine

Though, like this website, it does require registration to post comments in the forums.