Lewis Hamilton to join MJ in NASCAR

I bet when Max put both left side tires off the track making that late race pass on Lewis, he was thinking it was a joke too. Should be a closer championship this year than last though. Max was faster all weekend. Lewis is just a hell of a racer.
Other than basketball, F1 is the only sport I follow. I used to be a big NASCAR fan, but I gave it up when Jeff retired. Just takes too much time.

I loved Jeff to death but at the end there it wasn’t even fair. He’d win by laps. Not even close races.
Somewhat similar to how Lewis has been dominating these last few years.

With all the new talent in the mix now, the races get quite interesting.
They threw dirt on Bristol, the dirt race was fucking insane. Good shit. You’ll have to give it a chance if you’re feeling frosty one Sunday.