
New Member
Background and 1st Harvest:
I decided to start an online grow journal because I am a newb, but also experimenting with different nutrients, soils or lack of, and strains.

My first grow adventure started extremely late last season (August-Late November). The clones were a B-Day present. I grew outside in pots to start off as a fun hobby. At the time I thought it was pretty good for my first grow but the fact was the clones were excellent. The only supplement I used was Age Old Grow (6-4-4). For my potting soil I only used Miracle Grow. I read into nutrients and it was so confusing! The 3 step systems, pH downers and uppers, calibrators. I mean, I used to garden 10 years ago (at 17/18) but that was fruit trees. I had a pretty good grasp on pruning. Anyways, the choices made my head spin. I just decided to read reviews and get something that seemed iron clad yet simple. That is how I ended up buying Age Old Grow. I read on the back and saw micro-nutrients for cal-mag-sulfur, so I thought it would be good the whole end of harvest. Something was wrong with my plants but I couldn't figure out what. Then near the end of November one of my stems snapped. I didn't supplement in any other calcium or mag; thus, resulting in hollow stems and airy ass buds. Another newb mistake I made was over watering and being afraid to trim the leaves. I also got some rot due to the weather. The two strains I grew were Sunset Sherbet (great sell and a great newbie plant) and Sour Diesel (not a great strain for the novice but a great learning experience). The Sour D turned out horrible (had the rot/mold and super airy) but the Sunset was very forgiving; however, it was airy as well just not as much. After pulling out my plants from the pots I discovered: using pots restricted the roots a lot!

2nd Harvest Background
Fast forward, I learned a fair amount my first time growing. I did even more research the second time around and had some experience under my belt. I started right on time with the outdoor season in Cali. I bought 3 clones from Midnight Farms: Lucid Blue (aka Lucid Dream), Lemon Banana Sherbet and Blue Zkittlez. The other 2 I bought were Lemon OG and Blue Dream. I forget which farms the last 2 clones came from and it doesn't say on the receipt. The first 3 I bought on 2/26/2017 and planted them in soil the same day. The last 2 I bought on 3/16/2017 and planted in soil on same day.

2nd Harvest Soil:
During my soil research I decided to use a 3 part mix of soil and soilless potting mix. I was going to get the vigoro brand but of course my local Home Depot was out of stock. So, I roamed around and this one guy looked like your typical grower. I saw which soil he got and just decided to get the same one; Kellogg Garden Organics. I also used my left over Miracle Grow from last season. My 3 part mix: soil, Kellogg Organic and Miracle Grow.

Lucid Dream, Lemon Banana and Blue Zkittlez: I did the 3 blend mix in ground of Miracle Grow potting soil, Kellogg and natural soil. After the soil settled I noticed that the Lucid Dream got more of the Kellogg. The Lemon Banana got the bulk of the soil. Blue Zkittlez got a fair amount of all 3 but seems to be more soil based due to drainage.

For the Blue Dream and Lemon OG I did a little more research. I dug my holes but this time I only used the Kellogg. Then a month later I added some red wood mulch because the straight Kellogg Organics was not holding in any moisture. Although, I kept it away from the stem area.

2nd Harvest Nutrients:
For the LD, LBS and BZ I only used the Age Old Grow and started to see malnutrition in the plant. At first it seemed like a N toxicity but upon further research involving pictures concluded it was a cal-mag deficiency. I wanted to go as organic as possible aka as cheaply. For my cal-mag I used ground up seashells I had lying around. Waited around for a week and saw no improvement. I went to a hydroponics store and got Age Old Grow Cal. More research into magnesium and saw I could use Epsom salt plus they provide sulfur. A week and a half to two weeks goes by and I saw a great improvement! I stuck with using those items for my nutrient feed. At first when they were little I fed every 7 days but now it is every 10 days since they have started flowering.

Two months in and my first 3 babies look great. The LD is coming out on top! I am not sure if it is the mixture, hole depth and width, the strain or the location it is in (10 hours of sun per day). Either way it is lush, green and budding out. I felt like the buds could be bigger than what they are right now. I looked into a blooming nutrient. Read into it and Fox Farms along with Green Organics had the best reviews for outdoor grow but I didn't like that it wasn't showing their npk ratio. I went into the hydroponics store and looked at blooming nutrients. I liked Aurora's Soul Bloom NPK ratios. I read that for big and dense buds the nitrogen needs to be low with a higher potassium and phosphorus ratio. I looked for Fox Farms and Green Organics. The ratios just seemed way too low for an outdoor grow. The Soul Bloom was $16. The ratio is 1-4-3 which seemed perfect. After I bought it I read some online reviews and it seems promising. I can't wait until 2-3 weeks to see how the buds do!

Will add pics from my phone soon and update every feeding.
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