Life breeds from an old seed!

About 10 years ago I ordered some seeds from Marc Emery. If you know who he is, he is know as the "Prince of Pot" and was arrested for selling seeds across the border from Canada. I got my hands on about 25 seeds a year before he got busted. I grew three of the seeds back when I ordered them and it was banging! I have held on to them ever since. It was a mixed batch of seeds but the are all Kush from what I remember. Well I took a stab at growing from this old cache of seeds and I have success. Well almost, its a girl. I have to keep it small but this is special bud so it wont be smoked up so quick it needs to savored.

I am growing in a small box I built using a three drawer plastic dresser. Posterboard that has the foam in the middle. I am using 5 23 watt cfls 2700k for flowering. About 4500lumens. I am going to open the top and add two 42watt cfls and move what I have to the side. But for a decade old seed I think it is looking good. I joke its like finding a frozen wooly mammoth and bringing it back to like.

Sorry for the side ways pics but I am using my phone as I dont have a computer at the time and I cant get the pics to post up right.


I am not able to clone at the moment but I do have about 20 seeds left. I have them wrapped in plastic wrap. Then I have them in a pill bottle that is solid not clear. I wrapped the seed packet in paper towel and stored them in a dark cool area like where you would store potatoes. I need a more private living situation before I can clone. The bud from this old girl will be saved for a trip to see an old friend at the end of summer.