Life With No Regrets


Well-Known Member
I always say; What happened to the rational appeal you appeared to possess? If you were rational at all, you wouldn't have any regrets.



Well-Known Member
Well though I may not alway be rational I have no regrets I view even so called bad events as good I look at everything in life as a lesson learned it makes me stronger to view things as such I wouldn't trade even my darkest day because its a part of who I am

hazy love

Regret is a poison that individuals choose and allow to intoxicate themsleves with, much in the same way that one may choose to intoxicate themselves with alcohol. Over time, the body will relieve itself of the alcohol that has intoxicated the indiviudal, and they will become free of its effects and become sober. The same can be said about the mind and its ability to relieve itself of the intoxication of regret by accepting that what's done is done. You cannot change what has all ready happened. Do not dwell on it. You can love it or hate it. If you hate it, you will be consumed with negative emotions and it will be difficult to expand your mind and become great in the future.

The mind must be directed toward love and total acceptance for past events; how they've shaped you, bettered you, and evolved you. Move on, further down the road. If you keep looking back, you will continue to stumble.

I am not under the influence of regret. I live free of it.


Active Member
I have regrets. Such is life. I’m not consumed by them nor do I wish I could go back and change things. If a person doesn’t have regrets for past deeds how can they learn and grow as an individual. Mistakes and regretting those mistakes helps to build character.

For example. I dated a girl back in college. Beautiful girl, long black hair, her family had a bit of Cherokee in them. We dated for 4 years. I loved her very much but treated her pretty bad. It was my first true relationship and I did everything I could to fuck it up. She did everything she could to make it work. She finally wised up and dumped my ass. I regretted my mistreatment of her.

Without regrets I would not have learned a damn thing from the experience. But I did regret it and learned from my mistakes. Now I have a lovely wife and a baby on the way. To this day I carry a small portion of that regret and it helps me be a better person and treat my wife with the respect she deserves.

Regrets aren’t a bad thing. Letting that regret run your life may be but regrets helps us grow.
I have regrets. Such is life. I’m not consumed by them nor do I wish I could go back and change things. If a person doesn’t have regrets for past deeds how can they learn and grow as an individual. Mistakes and regretting those mistakes helps to build character.

For example. I dated a girl back in college. Beautiful girl, long black hair, her family had a bit of Cherokee in them. We dated for 4 years. I loved her very much but treated her pretty bad. It was my first true relationship and I did everything I could to fuck it up. She did everything she could to make it work. She finally wised up and dumped my ass. I regretted my mistreatment of her.

Without regrets I would not have learned a damn thing from the experience. But I did regret it and learned from my mistakes. Now I have a lovely wife and a baby on the way. To this day I carry a small portion of that regret and it helps me be a better person and treat my wife with the respect she deserves.

Regrets aren’t a bad thing. Letting that regret run your life may be but regrets helps us grow.
I agree with this. Regrets arent bad unless you dwell on themm too much.
Regrets are just mistakes, and you must learn from your mistakes.


Active Member
i wish i had started smoking pot sooner... but that's not really a regret.

i try to live without regrets, my motto is "It's better to regret something you HAVE done, than something you HAVEN'T done."

but i do have 1 single regret. when i was younger i was dating a woman, that i considered to be the PERFECT woman. perfect attitude, perfect looks, perfect body... just about 99.9999999% perfect. well i was too young and stupid to realize the gem i had on my hands and gave her up to keep fucking other girls. i look back now 8 years later, after the relationships i did go through, and really really really regret that i had not stayed with that one single wonderful girl.

but yeah that's it, that's my regret story :)