Light burn???

sup gents. I'm experiencing some bleech or burn on all of my plant parts that are directly under the 600w hps. I let them veg for to long and they got way to tall, so i've supercropped the fuck outta them and created a bathtub-shaped dome thingie under the light, creating distance directly under the light, yet letting some buds grow up against the wall. I don't know if that made any sense at all....:idea:

Anyway, was wondering if you guys could have a look and tell a litttle about light bleach/burn and what the effects are exept for the actual bleaching.
I could swith the 600w out with a 400w but i kinda want the penetrating power of the 600 since they're so tall!
btw those pics are lying! They don't look half as massive to the naked eye!! I guess the camera really does add 5 pounds! I'm in day 39 of flower btw.



Well-Known Member
Those are fine, they're just consuming the nitrogen they can't find in the soil from their fan leaves to finish flowering.


Well-Known Member
On second look, it might be a bit soon for that to be happening, so I'd hit her with some nitrogen to help her get through the rest of flowering. The healthier the fan leaves the more capable of photosynthesis your plants are, which is directly correlated with bud production.


Active Member
Well with the burnt tips of leaves I would say it's a nute issue...maybe a little too much burn from something. Either way, they don't look too bad man, I would say your cherry with those nice ladies.


Well-Known Member
The combination of stagnet bleach on the plants with the intensity of the HID is your problem, I wouldn't bleach them again, do you notice any powdery mildew?
you wouldn't bleach them again? they are in the same spot as they have always been, and they must stay there until harvest cause i cant move the plants at this point for alot of reasons. There is no powdery mildew. And it's not nuteburn cause it only affects the plant parts that are directly under the ligh. everything else is dark green. The question was: Should i switch the 600 out with a 400?