Light color affects the color of hairs? Possibly potency?


In my case that seems to be true. I have both red and blue spectrum in my flowering room(I only have one plant). Anyways the spectrums are not mixed well and half the plant exposed to mostly red light exhibit mostly jacko-lantern halloween orange hairs and the half exposed to mostly blue spectrum exhibit really light orange, so light they almost look pink.
Do the color of the hairs affect the potency of the flower?


Active Member
No. Light color does not effect the color of the hairs. They just look like their a different color because there is a different color light shining on them. Sure it may look cool right now, but it'll all be the same under the same color light. If you think it's different on each side, turn the plant and see if the opposite side doesn't change color too.

Also, hair color has nothing to do with potency. It's all genetics.


Haha it's funny your name is redhairs and we are talking about hair color.
I'm very sure the hairs are different colors but I'll turn the plant around and see what happens, possibly get a kodak of the different color hairs