Light deprived seedlings

If your seedlings grow too fast due to improper lighting, can you save them or are they ruined for good? My first growing and my seedlings grew so fast that they looked more like vines. I have tried to prop them up, but nothing seems to work although I fixed the lighting problem. Any suggestions? They do have a good root base.


Well-Known Member
put them out in the sun (no wind)for a coupl of hours a day, blades will widen andthey wont be so leggy.
If you'll go to advanced search and type in my name then go to my thread "plant trimming for more buds", you can see my plants. I think I have California skunk or big bud, but I don't know for sure.


Well-Known Member
ya all you need to do ad more dirt, bury the stem all the way to the leaves. your now submerged stem will soon turn into the main taproot and start producing its own offshoots of smaller roots. problem solved