Light distance


Active Member
So I've tried Google but. When I'm measuring the distance of my light am I measuring from the average height of the canopy or the higher flowers. I have a rather uneven canopy so I'm confused on if I should base it on higher flowers. If I do then most of the flower sites are around 25" away.

This is canopy level



Well-Known Member
Your canopy looks good. Measure from the bottom of your reflector to the top of the closest cola. Apply training techniques to pull down and away any cola getting too hot. Laser heat measures are like $15 on amazon. Get one for precision heat control

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Looks good to me too.
What is that, a 1,000w HPS? Might want to leave it where it is.

What I do is put the back of my hand under the light and move it closer until it gets unpleasantly hot, then I slowly move my hand away until it feels only warm. That's the minimum distance for me.

Have fun

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I use the back of my hand now but have put a thermometer on the canopy and aim for around 28c radiated heat with a air temperature of 25/26c


Active Member
Looks good to me too.
What is that, a 1,000w HPS? Might want to leave it where it is.

What I do is put the back of my hand under the light and move it closer until it gets unpleasantly hot, then I slowly move my hand away until it feels only warm. That's the minimum distance for me.

Have fun

Never done the hamd technique ill try using it. Thanks man