Light distance??


Hey guys :) maybe a silly question but was wondering how far above my 2 week old plant a 250W hps should be above it?? :)


Well-Known Member
you should be able to go down to 12 inches . i wouldnt go much closer then that for fear of burnin tops....peace brim


New Member
depending on how long you already had plant under that light i would keep them 2 feet away slowly lowering them every 4 - 5 days don;t worry about stretch because when you re plant them just lower them further into next pot size lower light 7 inches in intervals till you are about 12- 14 " away from, plant depending on heat place your hand above plant if your hand burns then its to close


Active Member
What DeFever said, the hand method is the best I know of. Light as close as possible, if your hand can take it, your plant can take it.


Thanks guys! Just done the hand test and it's all good! :) Only concern is the temp which is at 83.5 F so just gotta get that down a touch! :)