light fell and burnt plant, AGAIN! help please


Active Member
so there's this one light that isn't very secure and it happened to fall when "someone"? moved my box. it couldnt have been on the plant for more than an hour or so.
last time it happened it was during vegging. on a different plant.

im 2 wks into flowering and it burnt one cola and a part of another one. its not so much the hairs but the leaves and one stem is burnt and kind of dangling...

if this has happened to anyone else should the damaged colas heal and start growing normally again? thanks!
Yeah, man. WTF? Secure that light. Use eye hooks and chains. No tape. No string. Hard-steel-ware. If you have to use some wood to make you a decent hood. I've actually seen people use sheet metal cut at the right places and folded into a hood. 5$ hood?