Light green seedlings


Well-Known Member
Yes. Its ok.
Its a baby...
Dont let it stay wet (good drainage)
Fresh air
Not too hot or to cold
Dont let it dry out.
Its a strong plant and could be in full sun.
Will grow slow for another 3 weeks, then really take off growing.


Well-Known Member
To OP, it looks fine as a seedling, I wouldn't worry. It will take off very soon. One of my most recent ones lost a cotyledon and the first set of leaves were lime for a few days, but took off like a rocket ship, so don't stress too much.

Yes. Its ok.
Its a baby...
Dont let it stay wet (good drainage)
Fresh air
Not too hot or to cold
Dont let it dry out.
Its a strong plant and could be in full sun.
Will grow slow for another 3 weeks, then really take off growing.
Three weeks might be a bit of an over quote, they can take off pretty quickly if kept in a good environment. Here's some plants from seeds all put in pots on the 14th. The first pic is four days after they all went in and the second is 10 days later, so the oldest there are 16 days, and the youngest around 6 . First pic on May 18, most hadn't even sprouted yet. Second pic on May 28
It's amazing how much can happen in ten days. If they all popped at the same time it would have been a more even spread, but some were stubborn and took a few days. Probably looks ridiculous with plants this young in 5 gal pots lol.


Well-Known Member
You're not a rapid growth yet, and coming up on three weeks.....
Wasn't a shot, I just didn't want him to get discouraged thinking there might be a few weeks without much progress, so I thought I'd throw a quick 10 day progress shot of a few average seedlings just after pop.

Week three-four has been when stretch starts for me (I'm growing autos), so your dead right about rapid growth at week three. I've got pics here of my last plant over a certain 12 days when stretch kicked in, and you would not believe they were the same plant. didn't notice it at the time but once you look back it's amazing.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't a shot, I just didn't want him to get discouraged thinking there might be a few weeks without much progress, so I thought I'd throw a quick 10 day progress shot of a few average seedlings just after pop.

Week three-four has been when stretch starts for me (I'm growing autos), so your dead right about rapid growth at week three. I've got pics here of my last plant over a certain 12 days when stretch kicked in, and you would not believe they were the same plant. didn't notice it at the time but once you look back it's amazing.
Didn't take it as a shot. Just stress be patient for seedlings. Then be ready for feeding, watering increases etc....Clone only growers have problems being patient for seedlings. They are used to fast growing plants.


Well-Known Member
I hope it is OK to ask here.
My plants are a month old, for outside grow.
This new growth occurred during the last two days.
- is the brown leaf serrations a sign of something bad?
