light help and info please


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i have been growing now for over a year. started in soin with a 600w light. then got another 600w light. i have also gone from soil to areoponics settup which i am on my 1st grow and just gone into flowering a few days ago.

i have 2 rooms a veg room with 3 flouro's in to get them ready

and my flower room has 2 600w lights in

but now im thinking of changing my lights i use. only reason behind it is because my bill is going pritty high. or i was thinking still use them but only for a few hours a day with maybe LED lights on 12 hours which will drop the cost of my elec bills.

what do you all think and can anyone help me out

are led ufo lights ant good?
Im not an expert,by the way this is my 1st time growing,but i did a lot of seaching prior to do a desition on lighting.I bought this lamp for less than $90.It has 6 tubes of 4'.i got flouro tubes of 6,500k for vegetation and 3,000k for flowering.The blue ones are 6,500k and the yellow ones are 3,000k.


Well-Known Member
I hear LED's take a LONG time to grow.

I'd sog if you're trying to save electricity and only do a few grows a year and stash the extra.

Keep mums under a 250w MH and have a clonebox made up of 6 8w T5's = 48w

Then if you can do just one 600w HPS to flower right out of clonebox to around 9-12"


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking about switching off my 1000wat as well or adding to it leds are bad ass the best lights are blue metal halides and they make those in 250 400 and 1000 so I was thinking about going that way or going led I found so im seriously considering that but also I have been looking at induction lighting through its cool to the touch and about 680$ to cover 6x6 feet @400watts and the bulb is cool to the touch. Someone did a grow with one on here and it was pretty remarkable their top of the line model is $800 and has enhanced spectrum at 420watts but covers 5x5. If your looking for a great light i would consider those. flouros are more affordable.
I'm still looking though. I'm also getting an aeroflo2


LED's work but there are a lot out there that don't. You need to make sure that you get the highest wattage you can, our local Hydro shop recommends that you make sure to get 3W leds. Others don't penetrate. Another option is induction lights. Longer life span than all others, much less heat than HID's and because of that, less wattage and lower bills.