Light Hours


I mainly have auto flowering, but I have 4 nice regular breeds that I want to get into flowering inside. Limited on space indoors though. Can I take the 4 plants from 19 hours of light to 12 hours and then after flowering up the light to 19 hours again. Will the plants go alien on me?


Any answers on this one? Can you force a plant to flower at 12 hr.s of light and then bring it back into 19 hours of light and not damage the plant?


Well-Known Member
Why light after flowering? Are you planning to re-veg and go for a second harvest? If so then no, people do that all the time


Well-Known Member
If you want the normal plants to flower you will have to keep the lights at 12 12 otherwise you could have all sorts of hermie issues.
If you take the plants out of 19hours and place them in 12 until they start to flower and then put them back on 19 hours they will turn to vegatative stage again (more stress)
You are aiming for as little stress as possible to your ladies.



Thanks and thats what I thought. I have some autoflowering that have about 6-8 weeks left and started 4 nice ladies about 3/4 weeks ago. I was hoping to have the autoflowering done by the time the others were ready for 12/12. Looks like my timing is a bit off. Maybe outside with them till the others are done.
