Light Issue Or Idk


i have 2 4x4 trays for veg. i had 2 t8 lights. the ones with 6 bulbs in each. i added a 600 over the center and moved one of the t8 to the wall. when i did that i left the t8 lights on 24hr. Now the problem is both trays are flowering. What could cause that and or will they go back to veg


its was 18hr on 6 off. then 24hr straight for 2 days then back to 18 hr on 6 off. its so weired i had some clones by that even flowering. also i cover a sky light dom in the room. could that effect it?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
There's preflowering and then there's flowering. Just giving a 24/0 vegging plant too much K can cause preflowers and those aren't a big deal. Keep the lights on 24/0 and avoid giving them any Potassium for awhile. Lowering the temps a little might also help get rid of the flowers you're currently seeing.


i went to 20hr on 4 off. the temp is low like in high 60's to low 70's with the lights on and low 60's a night. what would cause the"pre flowers?" i thought and i could be wrong but dont yoo need darkness to indues flowering? i didnt change anything on the chems at all except adding 20ml of gh cal mag plus at the same. has anyone ecperineced problems with that. i wil try to get pics soon all i have is my phone though

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Most strains need about 12hrs of darkness to fully flower but preflowers are different. They're a symptom, while full-on flowering is a condition that displays the preflowers symptom.

Our vegging plants were recently K deficient because we had to replace our primary Potassium source. When we finally got a fresh bag of organic 0-0-30 a couple weeks ago and gave the hungry vegging plants an extra dose of K, two days later every one had a couple small preflowers growing at the nodes. They have been in 24/0 since rooting.

In most plants, unhindered flower production requires about 12hrs of darkness but preflowers can occasionally pop up even when the plant is not in flowering mode, and doesn't necessarily mean it has entered that state, either.