Light issues during flowering! ADVICE/INFO!


We have been flowering for about 2 weeks now and our light schedule has been all over the place! we had our schedule on from 1pm-1am but we only have one plug in the area and the breaker goes when we use our microwave so it resets the time. so then the light schedule changes. then we try different on off times so the breaker wont pop when we generally use the different electronics on the same breaker. still goofed up the time. Anyways im worried:???: about the plants because the light schedule has been so sporadic... some advice and/or info on what this might do or if it will do anything to the plants? thanks:peace:


Active Member
If I had a bunch of plants and the microwave was fukin their shit up then it's time to buy take out and ditch the micro or find a new circuit to use.... Yes the f'd up schedule could cause stress and then again maybe not... But there is nothing you can do now but to correct it and see what happens....


Well-Known Member
Try an 8pm to 8am lights on schedule. Make night day. You will have less energy competition during the night, and it will also help with heat issues.


Active Member
I'm not an electrician but i think you can swap the breaker for a bigger one. Like my whole grow room is run off a 15amp breaker so micros can't take THAT MUCH, i'm still way under 15amps nun problemos.


Well-Known Member
find a mechanical timer, when the breaker is flipped back after tripping it will start up where it was again. sure your exact lights off time may vary a bit but just correct it when needed so its never more than 10-15 minutes off of the time it should be which is fine.