light leaks on veg cycle


Well-Known Member
i decided to build a new box ( i get bored ) for my vegging plants but it has some light leaks i wont be able to fix till this tuesday when i get paid, is it ok if some light gets in during veg period?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can also veg 24/0 if you need to.

My mother area has some light leaks, never been an issue with almost 2yrs use


aoR Monday

Active Member
Dont answer what you dont know, VEG AREA not his flowering room.

This guy is going to getall kinds of different answers. why whould you let light leak through when your not on 24/0? So your plant can stretch or could stress? So lets think about this, leaves 3 option 1 being cover the light leaks 2 being go to 24/0 and 3 being take the risk of harming your plant.

Jondamon I wounder sometimes if you think you know everything about growing weed. Maybe they should switch the site from to, I see your grows are well and rep to you but some of your answers i read to post are negative and sometimes stupid and pointless for you to even reply to.


Well-Known Member
don't worry about it, you're not going to harm your plant with a tiny light leak. especially in veg..
unless the light leak is as bright as say, a small incandecent light bulb.. then you shouldn't experience stretching.

i've even had light leaks during flower with my first homemade box before i got a tent, no problems with that either.

cannabis is a pretty basic plant, no need to stress too much over it. it's when growers start stressing over little things that the basic problems occur.

aoR Monday

Active Member
I had a lot of light leak in one of my first other grows and it destroyed it. Guess Ihad to much. Like he said above me dont stress if its a little only have to worry about if its alot.

aoR Monday

Active Member
lol you bitch at me????? Now you're saying light leaks are ok. At least be consistent with your responses if you want to help.

My answers are straight to the point with no bullshit, when i have experience of a specific question i give an opinion based on my experience, when i have no first hand experience then i reference research links.

I do not think by any means that i know it all, i am constantly learning and researching and advise every person on here to do the same.

LOL I disagree with light leaks for it has f***ed one of my grows up is that bad? your over here thinking your a perfessional grower giving everyone bull sh*t answers lol I gave the answer i knew then you reply telling me to correct my self before I post again piss on you. think you know everything lol please show me where i said i agree. I'm saying watch for signs of stress. of course its a uk b**** thinks he knows everything LMAO


meh, I run a 24/0 veg. No need to worry then. How many lights are you running? Will it break your pockets to run 24/0 for 2-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Are you serious...aor Monday.... dont listen to this guy.....why the hell are light leaks going to stress anything out in a matter of fact the extra light will just be used your plants.. just make sure to cover them by the time you flower if you are going to flower in the same area

sometimes I wish there was a neg rep for people like aor Monday spreading bullshit info........ your plants probably stressed because of you and your logic