light movers


New Member
Hey guys,

Quick question (if you're one of those know it all growers who wants to tell me how awesome you are go do it elsewhere please). We set up a new flower room and would like to experiment. We set up 6 4x8 tables with a 1000W DE on a light mover going over each of them. I will adjust the heights from canopy depending on canopy temps.

Each table running 12 plants a piece in 7 gal smart pots in full coco, vegging out for 3-5 weeks. We count vegging from the moment plants are established and looking like plants, not from the moment a clone roots. We also take extra clones and veg out 16 plants even though each table calls for 12 only since we discard our weaker plants and only flower the strongest ones.

Flowering for as long as needed and using Heavy 16 full line up from start to finish.

Clones all just rooted now so they will be going into the room within the next 2 weeks and I will have pics up then. They will get transplanted into the flower room when they have 4 sets of their own branches and will spend some weeks vegging under 20/4 cycle under 1000w DE set to 3' away from plants and turned down to 400w for first week then to 600w@4' for a week then to 1000W for a week prior to flower (again canopy temperature dependent).

My question is this, I have done this test on small scale and pulled off 3.35lbs off a DE 1000w fixture in a 3x6 table with autoflowers in only 9'x9' net pods . Different way of growing though, I crammed 18 autos into a 3x6 and they each gave back about 3 zips a piece in roughly 95 days from seed. The light was only on a 6ft intelliDrive 3.5 rail though and placed about 24" from canopy, and this time I am trying to push each light to cover a distance of 8' instead of 6'. With that in mind, what problems will I run into, if any, when running a lamp over 8 feet, and further more, do you recommend I stack the lights inline with each other so they move as one or do I stagger them so it minimizes the "dark time" on any section of my three tables? Has anyone done this with more than just a couple lights? How did it work out? What should I watch out for? Is it possible to yield more than 3.5lbs this way and not lose the dense structure of buds?

Thanks in advance.

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
I'd be interested to see the results of this, my hypothesis is that a light can only produce what you are able to produce, a light mover isnt gonna change that. Every time the light moves you are robbing a plant of photons that it uses to for photosynthesis. Meaning that plant will yield less than it would if the light had stayed in the same place. Il hang around to see the results though but I seem to remember something similar on another site. Their conclusion was, that they yielded only marginally higher weight over double the space and quality (structure density bag appeal) and vigor was lowered.

they do however work well in mother rooms