light probs


so i ordered a 400 w htg hps ballast and an cool tubel 6'' ....the socket that comes in the cool tube cant plug into the htg ballast bc the socket that comes with the ballast is permantly fixed to the ballast....thus i had to do some fandangling to get the htg socket into the cool tube... did a pretty good job i think... anyway heres the problem.... the ballast has been on for like an hour now, but no light... i read that there was a possibilty the bulb wasnt in all the way, so i tightened it, but no i got to thinking i had not tightened all the screws back down during the socket/reflector fandangling.... i unplugged the ballast and attempted to tighten to the first screw when i got a nasty shock (i know im an idiot...but im stoned and forget the socket doesnt unplug from the ballast)...anyway i dont know what to do now...i screwed the bulb back in and plug it all back in and smoked bowl.... now what??


i was always told never to touch a high pressure sodium with your bare hands i always use a sock to handle mine


i used a t shirt...

also i unpluged and gave it a few minutes then checked the screws which were all tight.... i guess its the bulb???