Light Question(what do i have?)

Sir Stash Alot

Active Member
This is my first post,

I really hope some one can help. I have come into posesion off a Baymaster-c
lamp type M59 400 watts 120v. There was a bulb with MH on it. I am not convinced it will work, i have yet to plug it in. The bulb i recived had a black powder loose in it. I am nervous to plug the hole thing in. has any one herd of these kind of lights, or a powder in the bulbs? any help would be great thanx


you can pic up replacement 400w mh (metal halide) bulbs at lowes, home depot, or you local hydro store if you got one...


Active Member
dont know about the light. but if you want to plug it in. check the plug insure it is earthed first and use a extension lead with a trip switch in it. this will allow u to keep a safe distance when pluging it in and prevent a fuse blowing, if you have trip switches u should be ok. clean everything first with a dry clean cloth.