Light requirement to this tent? and other guestions!



Im thinking of buying this kind of tent:

Size: 284cm x 142cm x 200cm

How big lights and how many you recommend into my tent?

How big fan?

Question about air into tent? do i need some blowers to blow inside my tent air or a hole is enough?

Im beginner with electricity. Advices for electric things to my project would be nice!

Does enybody have idea how much this set takes electricity? will my bill be big?

Big thank if u have time to give me advices!

- Staycool


Active Member
Hello, Im no professional but ive got about 40-45 harvest under my belt. Im sure theres somebody else on here with alot more exprience that maybe able to give you better ideas but ill just suggest to you what works for me. In a space that size I wouldnt go any smaller than one (1) 600w HPS/MH or you mite be able to get two (2) 600w in there or one (1) 1000w HPS/MH. If $ isnt an issue Id prob just go with (1) 1000w HPS/MH. As far as the fan part of it if your going with just (1) 600w bulb id get a 4" High Velocity Inline fan, if your going with (1) 1000w bulb or (2) 600w bulbs id get a 10" High Velocity Inline fan. To answer your question about getting air into your tent I have a tent basically the same size and my inline fan draws out enough air that it pulls air in through my front vents and keeps my tent around 75. Make sure you get heavy duty power/surge strip,HD Timer @ least 15amp, and if you need extension cords make sure you get HD air condition grade ext. cords. If you can try to get your grow room on its own fuse/breaker, thats what I had to do since every time my mom would run the sweeper it would blow a fuse. As far as the power goes when I ran (1) 600w bulb w/ all my fans etc... it ran my electric bill up about $40-$50 addtional dollars a month. When I ran (1) 1000w system over @ my budys house he said it ran his bill up $80-$90 a month. Hopefully this helps you out, like I said Im no pro but I have produced many lbs of quality product under the same conditions listed above. Be safe and happy growing


Well-Known Member
don't thank me, give me rep. buahahaha!!!!

anyways, here's how you do it, for future reference, you find the square footage.

200x142cm translates into 6.5x4.6feet = 29.9 square feet. 29.9 x 3000(minimum lumen/sqrfoot for healthy plants) = 89,700 lumen output. a 1000w light fixture puts out more than 100k lumens, so you'll be good with one 1000 w hps bulb. two 600 watters couldbe done, but it's more power you'll pull, and I think it's overkill for the size of the tent.

one 1000 watt fixture raises your bill about 100 bucks per month on 18/6, by itself, no fans or anything taken into acct here, (assuming you pay 14 cents per kwh)a little less for flower.

for fans i have no idea. i don't use HID so i don't have to worry about cooling (iz hot where I live most of the year). as far as electric shit's concerned, don't skimp on power chords, power strips, timers. that's a perfect way to start a fire, or if not have a short-circuit and ruin all your expensive equipment.

you want industrial grade stuff, nice and thick grounded extensions, the heavy duty timers, the works... gd luck.