light schedule question

well i'm new here so hey everyone. i have a few questions about the light schedule when attempting to flower your plant. there are 3 in total, one of them is about 5-5 1/2 feet tall, the others are 1-2 feet. and they have all been planted for the same amount of time. my question is i know the day to light ratio should be 12/12 for flowering, i would like to know, they're planted outdoors, if a 14 (light) / 10 (dark) schedule would send it into flowering? or should i build up a cover and start manually giving it 12/12. thanks!


Well-Known Member
it depends on alot of variables you dont have listed here, such as age of the plant, whether or not the plants were started indoors or out, etc etc etc.
plants i have started in the past under a 24/0 veg cycle flowered immediately when exposed to any significant period of darkness.
plants started outdoors (as seeds during spring planting) performed as one would expect and began flowering 2/3 through the season.

what i dont understand, is why would you want to accelerate the flowering period if your outdoors? personally, i would want to maximize the veg time under the sun, more veg = more bud in the end.

but, we all have our reasons. if i was you, i would be very carefull about force flowering an outdoor crop, as it is very easy to stress the plant and piss it off... you dont want that, because then it will turn hermi on you and infect your crop with bastard hermi pollen, and, potentially infest anyone ELSEs crop for miles around.

some things are best left to there own devices... like mother nature. if you were indoors, its as simple as adjusting the timers... but outdoors, its a little more complicated... cannabis is extremely photosensitive, and the slightest light levels of natural light 'spoof' the plant into thinking its broad sunlight... thats right, the plant can tell the difference between night and day, but only that there is a difference...


Well-Known Member
well i'm new here so hey everyone. i have a few questions about the light schedule when attempting to flower your plant. there are 3 in total, one of them is about 5-5 1/2 feet tall, the others are 1-2 feet. and they have all been planted for the same amount of time. my question is i know the day to light ratio should be 12/12 for flowering, i would like to know, they're planted outdoors, if a 14 (light) / 10 (dark) schedule would send it into flowering? or should i build up a cover and start manually giving it 12/12. thanks!
Most strains will flower with a 10 hour night from many years of doing it. 14 light, 10 dark. Cover it and draw a crowd. Leave her alone. She knows what to do. Late planting simply means less yield. The plant will respond to light changes the same as one planted at "the right time".
i said they were planted outdoors, they're roughly 3 months. it's not that i necessarily want to start it, i just spent a good hour browsing this forum and all the posts i read people were saying once their plant hit 12''+ they flowered it, regardless if it was outdoors or indoors. mine are completely outdoor and i originally planned to just let them grow as long as the weather remained fit for it to get the most yield. this is my first time growing so i'm just trying to figure out the best possible way.


Well-Known Member
i said they were planted outdoors, they're roughly 3 months. it's not that i necessarily want to start it, i just spent a good hour browsing this forum and all the posts i read people were saying once their plant hit 12''+ they flowered it, regardless if it was outdoors or indoors. mine are completely outdoor and i originally planned to just let them grow as long as the weather remained fit for it to get the most yield. this is my first time growing so i'm just trying to figure out the best possible way.
Provide her with water and nutrients as needed. She knows what to do and when to do it. Roll a fattie and relax.