Light schedule?

I put my plan into flower 4days ago and im realizing i cant sleep when theres 10 lights glowing in the corner of my room.

Is it possible to extend either the darkness or light period so i can make it that the lights are during the day rather then the night like they have been?

wasn't sure if it would screw up the process or anything.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it will stress the plant out.
The schedule I use is (18/6) on 2PM off 8AM (12/12) on 2PM off 2AM


Active Member
12/12 is for flowering. Just rember that you have to have that plant in 12 hrs of complete darkness no light what so ever.
i know that it needs to be 12/12. what im asking can i go back to 24 hours of light for just one day so i can get the lights on at 8am-8pm rather then what they are currently 8pm-8am or will that like cause way to much stress?

Illegal Smile

The best way to do what you want is to move them a half hour a night in the direction you want. Any more than that will stress them. For however long it takes you will have to deal. Get a blindfold.


Well-Known Member
You will stress them if you give them the extra light. Give them 12 hours of extra dark, then resume your light schedule back to 12/12. Shouldn't be any problems with that.