Light stress?? Please help diagnose my plant issues!


New Member
Hey all, at my wits end with trying to figure out what is wrong with my ladies any help or advice would be massively appreciated

Im running Athena nutrients, two feeds a day in 3 gallon pots with 10-15% run off. Using Coco perlite mix 70/30

Ph is 6~ and 3 EC (as per Athena guidelines) while run off is coming out at 3.5-4.2 EC and ph is 5.7-6

LED lights are roughly a foot above the canopy

It started with the tips of the fan leaves going yellow and turning upwards and slowly progressing throughout the rest of the leaf. My environment is about spot on (I think) 25 degrees Celsius/ 77 F, with the humidity at 51~

They are at the start of week 3 and the yellowing is progressively getting worse




Well-Known Member

First off I don't use athena , but the idea of using EC of 3 is mind blowing.

Anyway, the fact your run off is much higher suggests they aren't using what your putting in or there's too much dry back.

I'd flush them with a low ec nutrient solution until that run off is far far lower.

Could do with someone who uses Athena to chime in on what EC they run at.

My standard EC in flower is about 1.4 , as is a lot of other people's so I can't get my head around why anyone would need more than double that.