Light time ques


Well-Known Member
I am running a DWC system and and only about 2 weeks into veg, was wondering what the lighting should be. I've been running 24:0 but I'm new so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I believe 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark is the most recomended. I've had better results with this time schedule oposed to constant 24 hr. light myself. Then after you descide how big you are going to want your plants to be you will need to switch to 12 hrs on and 12 hrs. off for the lighting. (Remember: Plants will double or even triple in size once you switch to the 12/12 flowering cycle with the light) Good luck with your grow. ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
a small FL some small CFLs and a 70 watt hps. I was also wondering about where to get blue spectrum CFL's i know you can get them at like wally world, Home Depot, or lowes but how can you tell unless they say blue spectrum on them, non i've seen say blue or have the light degrees in kelvin so i could tell.


Well-Known Member
also is it ok to just turn lights on all at once, i have heard it will shock them, but if my shit is on timer i cannot really help that.

... should i leave all my lights on during veg and flower, or just CFL for veg. and just HPS for flower, most people said it would be ok to use both for both since i am working with minimal wattage, but i want as many opinions as possible.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
CFL Spectrukm, your looking for "Daylight" bulbs with a Kalvin Temp of 6500. You should find them in any hardware store.

It's fine to turn on your lights togeather.

The more light the better, just watch the temps. your aiming for 24c.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Oh yes.

I preffer 18 - 6 for Veg. I think it helps root development. which in turn gives you healthyer plants that grow faster.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I find that after 6hrs dark my plants look refrshed, after all they are blowing around for 18 hrs in the day, with my fans and lights on, we all would feel a bit tired after running around for 18hrs wouldnt you say harhar hehe


Well-Known Member
damn I wanna reply but earls already on this one, at any rate good freakin job earl your all over this place doin like the best!

I prefer dark periods, 18/6
I notice the most development in the plants overnight
just the way I do things